

The world has never valued kindness.

Kindness in this world of limits has always been relegated to a sign of weakness.

To be kind is stupid.


You care for your own first.

Blood is thicker than the welfare of the stranger.

If you don’t know, I’m an empath.

I was diagnosed late in life after years of suffering at the hands of the words of everyone around me.

Their anger, their hate, their ignorance, their prejudice, their racism, their bias wore me down to the breaking point.

It broke me.

What kept me from taking my life?




A simple act that cost the person who saved my life absolutely nothing.

But what it did was allow me to be here today talking to you about it.

There is redemption.

There is hope.

There is reconciliation with those that deserve it.

I’m not here to say that those who commit egregious acts upon you are to be forgiven and forgotten.



I’m here to say that you need to forgive yourself first and foremost so that you can heal.

Never forget.

Never forget the cruelty.

The heartless acts of violence and selfishness meant to hurt, to punish, to destroy.

Compassion is about a standard of morality.

Compassion does not need a religion.

Compassion does not need a doctrine.

Compassion is the act that love tells us to do.

Compassion is stronger than hate.

Stronger than anger.

Stronger than fear.

It can heal the deepest wound.

It can bridge the distance between minds.

It can do the impossible even in the hands of the smallest forgotten person.

Compassion resonates through the centuries.

The love that men and women had in the past is why we are here today.

They fought the good fight.

They stood up to the intolerant.

They ignored the impossible and made it possible.

Compassion is defined as weakness by evil.

You will learn that those that fear a thing call it out as weakness.

As the child who is afraid of the dark calls out, telling the darkness they are not afraid of it…


They are.

I have learned that my empathy is a two-edged knife.

It cuts to the truth, but it also cuts me.

It’s hard every day to feel the pain all around me.

It can bring me down.

Yet, it can spur me on, too.

To find a way to lift every voice.

To push for that day when hate is seen for what it is.



Daniel J Frey aka Toby

The Rain Is Here

All around us, the rain is falling.

Since Dylan put it into lyric, by the way, that was 1964, the American public has been at odds with learning how to swim versus sinking like a stone.

What I'm talking about is leaving ignorance behind and learning we can do right.

The rain falls…

The rain falls, and what it's doing is revealing truth.

In the 20th Century, the rain fell, revealing fascism.

The rain fell, and segregation was revealed.

The rain fell, and we discovered the poor were in need.

We discovered that women had rights.

The rainwater rose, and white nationalism was thrown into the spotlight.

If, by the 1980s, you weren't swimming, you were sinking.


The rain kept falling.

The rain washed away our delusion that authority, our leaders always told the truth.

The rain fell.

The rain fell, revealing a rainbow of gentle souls wanting to live their lives without fear.

It revealed that religious leadership preyed upon its followers' hearts, minds, and bodies.

The 21st Century arrives, and the weather forecast looks cloudy.

The rain fell.

They're hiding in plain sight; our social servants charged with protecting us instead abused us.

The rain fell.

No justice, no peace.

No justice, no peace.

The rain fell, washing away the delusion that justice was applied fairly and evenly in America.

We rediscovered that some people believed themselves more equal than others.

The rain falls.

It will continue to fall.

Because love applied will never give in.

Love applied will open the eyes of the self-ignorant.

Love applied will openly ask will you change and join us in a great community?

Or will you prefer to sink like a stone?

Wish you love.

Daniel J. Frey aka Toby

Heavy Lift

Some of our brothers and sisters believe that the law is up for debate if it is not explicitly written in the U.S. Constitution.

It's even up to debate whether it applies to you and will you obey it.

This is why there is a job ahead of us all.

There is a heavy lift.

The Constitution has to be amended.

What does amended mean?

It means that our society had grown more complex than when the Constitution was originally written.

In 1787 the Constitution was written by and for white Protestant male land owners.


However, in their wisdom, the founders put in a contractual clause.

This clause said that as the American Society grows, it will be recognized that this document will be inadequate for the needs of future citizens.

The Constitution can have its prose re-written, added to, and struck if a majority of States see the need.

Many of our conservative citizens believe that the Constitution is the same as their Christian Bible.

It is not.

Understand it is a civil document stating the rights and protections of its citizens and how they are to be governed by their elected officials.

It is not a religion.

It is not.

Consequently, the irony is that too many of our conservative brothers and sisters believe that if it ain't written in the Constitution, that right doesn't exist.

They are like the character George Costanza on Seinfeld.

When his boss fires him for having sex with his secretary, George laments, "If I had known, if it had been written down, I would never have done it."

This is the Conservative mindset; you have to have the law explicitly written down in one place and in one place only the Constitution.

Laws created by local governments, States, and at the Federal level are all up for debate.

Again the debate being will I obey that law.

Suppose there is no sentence in the Constitution saying there is a right to privacy between a woman and her doctor. 

In that case, that right doesn't exist in their belief.

No amount of legislation will convince them.

No amount of protest.

It must be explicitly written in the sacred document ordained by Jesus Christ.

Yes, Conservatives believe that the Constitution was dictated by Jesus Christ to Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Constitution…


Jefferson "did not write" the Constitution; he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

People with a belief have no room for facts.

Also, Jefferson was not a Christian; he was a Diest.

A Diest is a person who believes in logic over mythology.

Our heavy lift, if we can get the resolve together to do so, is to convince a people who believe in a mythology over reason.

It is not going to be easy.

Nothing good ever is.

Some people have to be dragged into the light for their own good.

I can tell you from personal experience that this is true.

Just like a Lifeguard… 

We who understand and believe in the greater good, for justice for all, are being called to come to the rescue of our brothers and sisters.

Our brothers and sisters are drowning under the weight of myth.

A myth that keeps them spiritually oppressed.

A myth that doesn't recognize their economic and social sacrifice.

A myth that forces them into servitude that cares nothing for their welfare.

A myth that keeps the power in the hands of the few, not the many.

This is the good fight.

This is the good work.

This is why you and I are here and now in this place.


DFrey aka Toby

Change Happens

Standing in the doorway of the schoolhouse.

Putting up a fence between countries.

Between neighbors.

Going to war.

Stopping people from voting.

From living free of violence.

As soon as you stop progress and implement conservative ideals, you actually put into motion a cascade for change.

Stopping change will have the exact opposite of the initial intent.

No part of this universe doesn’t operate around the physical reality of change.

Everything is cooling down.

Eventually, everything in our universe will reach the temperature of absolute zero.

Minus 273 degrees Celsius or for those who resist change minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s the temperature at which atoms no longer vibrate.

The temperature of the universe when it is absolutely dead inside.

Human beings have the unique ability to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time.

I love my mother, but I hate what she does.

Human beings can appear alive and active, yet inside they are dead.

Their hearts, their minds have reached absolute zero.

They no longer move.

They stay where their God has intended.

Their God can be ancient in its adherence to resist change or new.

The old Gods of prejudice, racism, elitism, religion, nationalism all preach and inoculate their believers in the ideal of not changing.

Keeping the social order dictated, carved in stone by their founding fathers.

Given the benefit of the doubt, the white man is on top of the pyramid while everyone else below him pays cash.

The human irony.

The human tragedy of this reality is that those who stand in the public space and declare there will be no more change forever… 

They have fired the first shot that will bring about the change they so desperately want to prevent.

Like a dam in a river, the water behind the blockage begins to build.

Through age and poor construction, the dam, no matter how large, how thick, how deep, cannot withstand the pressure of change that builds behind it.

You can’t stop the merry-go-round of life.

Life will find a way.

Life will pour over that dam standing in the doorway of progress.

And what is this progress that change in our society is pushing for?

John Lennon said it… 

Imagine no heaven, no countries, nothing to kill or die for, no religion, no possessions, no greed, no hunger.

A brotherhood of man where we all live in peace, sharing the world this universe together.

As one people in tune with the true nature of life.

Change happens.

I know I’m not the only one.



Pant Load


Are you walking about with a pant load on?

As an empath, I speak from direct observation of our society.

Are you like the average three-year-old walking about with a loaded diaper?

Totally unaware?

Totally unaware of the stink left behind you?

I liken being an empath to being able to see germs.

I see germs.

I see the germs when you’re self-absorbed.

I see the germs when you disregard safety rules.

I see the germs when you neglect to care for others.

I see the germs when you don’t care about yourself.

Our society has waves of people in the wave pool with a pant load on.

They are unaware of the wake of suffering, of pain left behind them.

As Joseph Campbell observed, all of Western Society has lost touch with those rituals that told a person they no longer are a child; they are now an adult.

Children don’t think about the pant load they have on.

Adults do.

Adults can smell the problem and take action.

They clean it up.

The person who blocks the sidewalk, the person who runs you down in the crosswalk, the person who gives you the finger, the person who doesn’t pay taxes, the person who lies to gain power, the person who kneels on your neck all have a pant load on.

They suffer from not having empathy.

They suffer from not even having sympathy.

No one told them they needed to wipe their behinds.

Showed them how to wash their hands.

How to share and be a part of society.

Told them about love and charity.

Like children left to raise themselves, they don’t get what it takes to have a brotherhood of man.

They have no touchstone of what it means to be an adult.

They’re making it up as they go.

Those of us that can see and smell have an obligation.

Our privilege is to tell society to wash up.

Be a teacher, not a preacher.

Get itself right.

Get clean.

Drop hate.

Then join us at the table where love washes down and hope lifts us all up.



What Is Myth?


Myth is a corruption of truth.

Simply, lies that we believe which give us comfort from reality.

Need it put more plainly?

Myth is fairytales we believe are true.

With the added benefit that our fairytale is true and everyone else’s fairytale is a lie.

Myth is a large umbrella that shelters many a human belief.

Under the umbrella of myth, you will find, yes, all the religions of the world.

Both past and present.

But you will also find under that shelter of self-delusion prejudice.

You will find racism, entitlement, apartheid, segregation, urban legend, intellectualism, science deniers, liberals, conservatives, family, and friends all seeking shelter under the umbrella of myth.

You will even find yourself.

The umbrella of myth is a human invention.

It was not given to us mystically.

We created it for a specific reason.


Fear of the unknown.

Myth gives us a reason why bad things happen.

Myth tries to remove the random nature of the universe.

Our greatest fear is death.

Consequently, the greatest story we ever made up to tell ourselves are those stories about life after death.

Those stories give us comfort from the inevitable termination of our existence.

If we believe in them, we get a coupon to “live after we die for free.”

It’s obvious why we created such stories.

Fear is the motivation behind all myths.

An example is the fear of the stranger, which motivates racism.

The endless storytelling occurs worldwide and in our homes, businesses, and places of worship.

Those people are not like us; they don’t believe like we do, we’re better.

There is a common theme underlying all the fear that shelters under the umbrella of myth.

That common theme is self.


I am good, everyone else is bad, I deserve everything I want, I don’t care who I harm to get what belongs to me.


Selfishness shelters under the belief that it is good to sacrifice the lives and well-being of the other to keep intact the myth.

At all costs.

The sacrifice of family, friends, happiness, but most of all truth, truth is the first and most important thing to destroy to maintain our personal delusions.

Fear will always be with us.

There is only one power in this universe that has the ability to overcome it.


Love lifts the chokehold of fear so we can see the world as it is and not through our personal expectations.

Love will allow you to see the need in the world, hear the cry for peace, and feel the urgency of now.

Love makes clear that today is the day we do right, not after we’re dead.

Love is the only power that can drive back the night terrors of fear and allows us to live together as we should, not as we imagine.


DFrey aka Toby


I’m not fat.

Did I do that?

I don’t have to pay taxes.

It’s not my problem.

Those people are why I don’t have a job.

I have good genes I can’t get cancer.

The weather will get better.

I’m a winner.

Nobody is looking.

My husband has a second job, that’s why he works late.

She’s just in a mood.

Rehab will help.

That charity does good.

My pastor would never lie.

Covid is a hoax to take away my freedom.

Truth makes everyone who can hear it uncomfortable.

Too many of us prefer to be comfortably numb.

So many issues plague us daily. 

From personal to national, it is understandable why some of us want to shut it all out.

There is a wolf at the door.

Unlike the big bad wolf, this creature will be with us all for the rest of Time.

Covid will be here, but the creature I’m referring to is denial.

Denial is the effect.

The cause of denial is the willful ignorance of fact.

No democracy, no nation, no people, no community can peacefully exist when ignorance is put into a place of honor.

The burden of a healthy society is to care for the sick.

The sick include not only those with failing physical health but also those with failing ethical health.

Our brothers and sisters suffer from anxiety of uncertainty.

They fail to consider their responsibility for their own suffering that they have created in their imagination.

They fail to consider that their health, happiness, and freedom are born out of securing those rights for others and themselves.

We rise together.

We fly together.

We reach together.

We overcome together.

Walk away from the dark comfort of denial into the bright community of truth.

It’s your choice.


Toby aka Daniel J Frey

Why I'm Not Grateful


Is the ocean grateful that the river runs into it?

Is the sky grateful for another cloud?

Is a lion grateful for the hunt?

Are you grateful to be able to vote?

What does it mean to be grateful?

To be grateful implies something was given to us.

Something that was not expected.

Something that we could not achieve on our own.

Something that goes beyond our expectations.

Is the bird grateful it can fly?


It flies because it can.

It is expected.

It doesn’t owe anyone or anything for its rightful ability to take flight.

It’s what it does.

As humans, we should expect to be fed, have shelter, safety, justice, freedom, love.

These rights of life are not given.

These rights are part of the expectation of life.

Our rights as humans.

To be grateful implies these rights are given to us.

By who?

Show them to us!

This is the argument stated in the Declaration of Independence of why our founding fathers were not “grateful” to the King of England.

Since the foundations of civilization, men have corruptly manipulated the weak.

The most insidious is the evil that men do to the minds of the innocent.

The most hateful is the idea that we should be grateful to them.

Grateful that we are allowed to exist.

That’s the implication that is being driven home.

By whom?

By white racist men in the white racist world, in white racist pulpits, in white racist places of power.

They are not giving; they are selling.

They want us all to be grateful to them forever.

They want us to owe them for allowing us to exist.

They want us to be on credit until they say we are paid up.

They want us to be grateful that they allow us to have our sustenance, shelter, safety, justice, freedom, and even our love.

There is no end to this mortgage of suffering.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful for the air I breathe.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful I’m allowed justice.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful I’m allowed to live.

If you want me to be grateful, give me something I don’t have on my own.

Give me an equal opportunity to work.

Give me financial credit.

Give me the freedom of the vote.

Give me respect.

See me.



Original Fear

Children have a fear of the dark.

It is a rational fear to the child because they are still children.

The fear is born out of the belief that the world will change when the child closes their eyes.

A world that changes cannot be predicted.

Not being able to predict the future is an innate, fundamental fear response.

This fear is genuine for all of humanity.

To survive in a hostile environment, regularity, predictability allows for a relaxation of awareness.

Allows rest.

Allows sleep.

Removes fear.

That is why the parent puts on a little light in the child’s room.

This little light illuminates the room, the environment.

The child can peek out from their shut eyes and see the room is still the same.

Sameness allows rest.

Sameness allows sleep.

Removes fear.

That little bit of light of truth allows the child a space of comfort in a hostile world.

We, as the carriers of light, it is our privilege to hold up that little light of truth.

We hold that light of truth up in a hostile world.

That light seen by the fearful gives them comfort.

Gives rest.

Gives peace.

Removes fear.



The Deep

What do you see?

What do you know?

What do you believe?

The surface tells you nothing about what takes place below.

When you live on the surface, the tides are out of your control.

When you fight against the current, you know not what you are up against.

The belief in peace can not equal the faith in the war that has gone on for over two thousand years.

The conflict is in the origin of faith they both love.

Who owns exclusive rights to be seated in the place of honor at the table?

The belief, there can only be one.

Deep water.

To those who live deep under the surface, what takes place up top has nothing to do with their reality.

No matter how much the winds of change may blow, the people of the deep are not moved.

They are insulated from critique.

The people on both sides have chained themselves to an ideology that says they are special. They are the chosen. They will rule over their enemies in life and after death.

They are in love with their conflict.

It fills them with purpose.

It feeds their prejudice.

How do you find a compromise between two opposing people who believe the total destruction of their opposition is required so they may live?

The thousands of children on both sides that have died have not moved them.

The destruction of their community on both sides has not moved them.

The thousands upon thousands who have died on both sides are ignored.

Only the surface of the conflict has ever been addressed.

The window dressings, the easily understood issues, the things that can be whined about without touching the elephant at the bottom of the ocean.

Ther thing that continues this conflict that has not been addressed?

The thing there in the deep waters that brings fear to the peacemakers?

Something so profound that if talked about would shake the foundations of society?

That which shall not be named.


Religion and its structure are at the core.

Either one is right, the other wrong, or both sides are wrong depending upon your own belief.

And there's the rub.

The three religions of the West all claim the same spot on earth as their's and their's alone.

There has never within these three groups been any room for compromise.

King of the hill or ruler of nothing.

Like blind fish in the deep, the faithful follow the voices of hate.

There can be no compromise with those that oppose us as being rulers of humanity.

It's written in the holy books of all three faiths.

The problem is now defined, so what do we do?

We send a message of hope.

We let the people of the deep know that life is possible on the land.

It's a different life than what they have known, but it is life.

We must ask them as many times as needed to understand we share this world with them.

The people on the land and the people of the deep can live together.

There can be peace only if those who live in the deep want it as much as those on the land.



Permanent Record



Guilt is a powerful force in human society.

Guilt will build cathedrals.

Guilt will jump from a bridge.

Guilt keeps the innocent under control by the guilty.

This guilt is not because the person the society has committed a crime.

It's not for killing, or stealing, or destroying.

This guilt is used by those who wield it as a hamstring.

A way to stop progress, the emotional and intellectual development of a society and the individual.

It began long ago when the gods and then a god had to be appeased.

You can't want a thing for yourself unless you give up something of equal or greater value.

Simply, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

You can have a birthday, but you can't enjoy it.

You can have a career, but you must sacrifice your love life.

You can have earth but give up heaven.


We must peel back the layers of guilt to find the origin of species.

This guilt was created by the ruling class, the aristocrats, kings, and queens.

Guilt kept them in power.

The aristocracy of Europe believes themselves to be the children of Jesus.

Direct genetic inheritance.

They are the physical embodiment of God on earth.

There are not many other positions in society where change is more of a threat to their existence.

You can count on that list the current Republican Party.

Change of awareness, of the removal of the blindfold of ignorance, becomes a direct threat.

Guilt is the weapon of the powerful.

You don't want that because you're not good enough to appreciate it.

That dress won't look good on you; you're fat.

You can't handle the truth.

Your vote doesn't count.

You are not a man.

Not worthy.

Guilt is the slow bleed in the side of hope.

The truth that destroys guilt is that there is no either-or.

You can have a good job and a living wage.

You can vote for a government that serves all the people.

You can have love and happiness too.

There is no permanent record.

No file keeper is checking off if you sacrificed sufficiently to get your heart's desire.

Only men and woman who whisper dark thoughts to innocent minds.

Pushing people into the mud so that they can walk on their backs.

Break the cycle of guilt by keeping your eyes on truth.

Truth is a fire, a light against the darkness of ignorance.

It will lead in directions unsuspected.

Truth sets the innocent and the guilty free.



The GOP Today


What controls the modern Republican Party today is hate born of fear.

The hate is directed at anything, anyone who represents change.

This child called hate is not responsible for its own birth.

This hate is not an immaculate conception.

This hate was born of parents called fear and ignorance.

Fear is the name of the mother of the child of hate.

Fear of the other.

Fear of the stranger.

Fear of sharing.

Fear of truth.

Ignorance is the name of the father of the child of hate.

Ignorance of empathy.

Ignorance of justice.

Ignorance of freedom.

Ignorance of truth

Together fear and ignorance met long ago in the human story.

Fear, ignorance, and their child hate have been why we don't have nice things in society.

Fear, ignorance, and their child hate have been the roadblock, the hurdle, the moat, the barbed wire, the wall that has kept society from reaching the promised land.

They have been the crab in the barrel of life that keeps pulling those back who want to escape the cycle of violence from escaping.

Fear and ignorance didn't produce just one child.

Every generation, another abandoned sibling is added to the orphanage.

This generation's child of hate finds its refuge in social media.

There it feeds upon the prejudice with relish and abandon.

Before today the children of hate had to gather in secret, in the woods, with hoods.

Now they take pictures of themselves as they desecrate the house of the people.

Fear finds refuge in the pulpit.

Every Sunday in America, it is taught that God ordained an order to the universe.

In that order, the white man is on top of the pyramid.

Fear is given shelter when it's declared that the mixing of the races is an abomination in God's eyes.

The white race must stay pure and faithful to God's word.

Fear sees the browning of America and the world as the end times.

The time when their savior will return and kill all the enemies of the white man and make him ruler of the earth forever.

They are the chosen people.

Fear finds a play companion with those who hate other religions.

The babysitters of fear like Putin, Trump use the fear of the Islamic religion to incite violence.

To get what they believe is theirs politically, financially.

It's what unites the Republican Party this fear both politically and financially.

The fear that white people and their God will be replaced by brown people and their God.

This child of fear knows it's right when it sees Black Lives Matter marches.

This child of fear knows it's right when it can't make jokes about a person's race anymore.

This child of fear knows it's right when they can't get a job at a living wage.

This fear knows it's doomed when their white savior is not re-elected, President.

Is there a way to stop the hate?


No, there isn't.

The child of hate is not the source of the problem.

The source of the problem that threatens to destroy the American democracy is fear and ignorance.

The parents of the children of hate need to attend a family planning session.

Their fear needs to be listened to.

Fear needs compassion.

Fear needs to feel safe.

Ignorance is the harder of the two parents of fear to help.

Ignorance cannot be told what to do or that it's wrong.

If you do, it will only lash out and destroy anyone, anything that comes to tell it the truth.

Ignorance can only learn through example and consequence.

Love, compassion, and sharing have to be lived and demonstrated as a path to happiness.

Through living a life of love, ignorance will eventually catch on; there is a better way than nihilism and destruction.

It is up to every generation to pick up the torch of freedom and carry on the fight.

Drop hate be love.





Walking by a local restaurant, I see people enjoying their immunity. 

Apparently, they are immune not only to the COVID-19 virus.

Our brothers and sisters are immune to society.

Immune to community.

Immune to compassion.

Immune to brotherhood.

Immune to love.

How did these people get their vaccine?

The answer is Blowing In The Wind, written by Bob Dylan.

He asked, how many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?

How many years can some people exist before they are allowed to be free?

How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn't see?

The answer appears to be hate is seeded generation after generation.

By people, humans who believe they are doing good work.

Mothers and fathers.

Brothers and sisters.

Churches, schools, governments, police.

All keep the story alive.

The great white myth.

I'm telling you here and now if you don't know this in your heart of hearts already.

People have been making up stories to keep them from seeing reality since before recorded time.

They have told themselves these stories so many times that these tales are embedded into the human psychology.

In the Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell, "Myth is much more important and true than history."

Human's capacity to believe in their own myth is limitless.

They will believe in ghosts.

In Leprechauns.

Their team will win a sports championship.

The 2nd Amendment can't be amended.

Tom Hanks eats babies.

White people are ordained by God to rule the earth.

The only balance to myth is truth.

Yet truth is harsh, and myth is smooth.

Truth goes against our expectations, and myth feeds our prejudices.

Some of us are lucky to be born able to see the beauty of the world.

While others have turned down that privilege and have focused their sight inward.

They don't want to know about the cannonballs flying.

They don't want to see the man beaten down in the street.

They don't want to hear people cry.

Just as hate is seeded every generation, so too must love be grown in every generation.

Any gardener can tell you it's a continuous battle against the weeds.

We have to tend the garden of truth to keep out the weeds that would choke it out.

If you have hands, lift; if you have ears, listen; if you have a voice, speak up.

If you have a mind, love.



Labor Costs


American businesses have been indulged in living in a fantasy dream world where labor and material cost nothing…

The root of the belief comes from the story of slavery.

The belief in the relative value of one person.

Business has always fought for a discount.

Slavery eliminated the cost of labor in so much as it did away with paying for a service.

Slavery maximized profit.

Profit is the god of business.

What does it profit a man to own the whole world and lose their soul?

It’s all easy money when you don’t believe souls exist.

The world over has been manipulated, coerced, beaten, killed, cajoled, bribed, marketed to believe what’s right for business is good for the people.

Unfortunately for the sake of the welfare of the people, they have bought what business has sold.

Slavery teaches that some people have more value than others.

Those at the top of the pyramid, the leaders, have more value than those that support them in their position.

The needs of the few, the one, outweigh the needs of the many.

Without me, you wouldn’t survive echo’s down the hallways of the tyranny of man over mankind.

This slavery that has dominated mankind has been at war with the people economically, socially, and morally.

What has every war been about?

The Crusades, The French and American Revolutionary wars, the American Civil war, the First, the Second World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, the Drug War, the Immigration Crisis, civil rights, women’s rights all are about who pays the cost of production.

Or better…

Who profits.

In America today, the Republican Party has purposefully transformed itself from a conservative business party to a white nationalists party.

They’ve seen the future, and they don’t like the idea of sharing the profits.

They believe in the advertising that their white, blonde, blue eyed god, who sanctioned the creation of a white America to dominate the world.

They tell each other this online on social media, at work, at play, and from their pulpits.

They were comfortable in their dream world where all things came to them at no cost.

Yet while their brain, their consciousness was asleep, the body of America took a pill called freedom.

In their sleep, the body of America swallowed a draft of water called justice.

Now some 240 years later, white business Americas have woken up with a belly ache.

They are angry they have been awoken from their slumber.

They are fighting and willing to burn the American ideal of freedom to the ground.

Who dares disturb the rulers of the earth?

All so they can go back to sleep.

All the violence they foment so they can be indulged in not having to pay the price of freedom.

Freedom for all means freedom for all.

If we are to turn the corner on this fight for freedom in this nation, it’s up to all of us to make Americans deal with reality.

The fantasy has to stop.

We no longer can indulge the morally bankrupt children that there are no costs to justice.

Put the coffee on, walk around the room, stretch, rub the sleep of indifference out of your eyes.

A new day is upon us all right quick.



Help Not Wanted


Start with the British Red Coats.

They believed they were the good guys.

The Confederate States believed they were the good guys.

The German and Japanese fascists believed they were the good guys.

The Red Revolution in China believed they were the good guys.

The Klan believes they are the good guys.

Today the Proud Boys, Boogaloo, Q believe they are the good guys.

The Republican Party believes they are the good guys.

Every one of these groups, organizations, clubs has a sign out front.

That sign says, help not wanted.

What does that mean?

To want help, you first must come to realize you need help.

You get a flat tire, there’s no spare, you call AAA to get help.

The storm blows the roof off of your house.

You call your insurance because you need that roof overhead repaired.

You have a toothache.

Do you knock it out of your head like Tom Hanks?

No, you go to a dentist because they have the knowledge on how to help you.

Help not wanted.

Most of us can recognize when we need physical help.

We have a broken bone, a cut, an illness.

But a large group of Americans doesn’t realize they need moral help.

They can’t see the fairy tales of the white hood have become ingrained in their cultural beliefs.

They can’t feel their temperature rise as loud, selfish tyrannical voices command them to obey.

They can’t hear people cry as they deny them the right to exist.

They don’t need any help because their god is on their side.

They know power makes right.

They are defending their race.

They are defending their belief.

This is why they can’t be helped.

Help not wanted.

The only way to change the course of a river is through real effort.

To redirect to control floodwaters, civil engineering takes decades of continuous effort.

To have a civil society takes decades of continuous effort.

The waters of strife, of dissonance, of anger and hate will go where they will.

The rain will fall.

But we are not predestined to drown in a flood of hate.

We can build dams of justice.

We can build bridges of compassion.

We can lift the ideal of the beloved community to be real, not just a hope.

But remember, help not wanted?

Don’t throw your effort, your life into a job where you are not wanted.

Go make the light of peace, of brotherhood.

The lost will come to dry off of their own free will.



No Justice No Peace


A universal truth, for every action, there is a reaction.

If there is no reaction, then the action never happened.

You overdraft your bank account.

The bank fines you for your error.

You drive through a stop sign.

The police give you a ticket.

You forgot to buy bread.

You're eating cold cuts with no bread.

For every action, there is a reaction.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

What does that mean?

It means cause and effect.

It means the poor, the minority, the old, the forgotten, the people on the margins who live this universal truth.

When crimes, inhumanity, intolerance, bigotry, racism are poured out on these groups, nothing traditionally happens.

A black man is shot and killed in the street, and seven years later, the officer who shot them is let go.

Nothing happened.

The black man is still dead.

The man who shot him doesn't lose his job; he's moved to another town.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

We have all seen the videos of the insurrection enacted against our capitol, our congress, our senate, and it's employees.

They not only destroyed property through smashing and breaking, but they also filmed their crimes as they ransacked, urinated, and defecated.

They did this in the people's house.

So you're telling me if a group of people broke into your house, smashed up the place, urinated and defecated everywhere, and left a note saying die bitch, you're okay not arresting the culprits?

You're okay with doing nothing?

As if nothing happened…


No justice, no peace.

Bullies do not respond to time outs.

Bullies do not care about your feelings.

Bullies only think about themselves.

Bullies respond only to one thing and one thing only.


Without a response to their actions, bullies will do their bullying again, and next time it will be worse.

No matter how hard it is, the bully must be faced and stopped.

Just ask those that appeased bullies in the past what monsters were unleashed when nothing was done?

It's strange how the evil side of mankind believes it can get its way until it can't.

Then the darker angels of humanity howl like spanked children declaring you punished me.

You stopped me.

You angered me.

The bully is only stopped when we seek justice over me.

Justice comes right quick.

Let it come.

Let us bring it for the right purpose.

Justice renews hope in those that despair.

Justice lifts the minds and hearts of the lost.

Justice now, justice now.

Justice now.





Snow pelts against the window.

Rain taps on the roof.

Wind whips over the moon on this clear night.

Young voices carry.

Old voices fail.

The moon chases the sun on this clear night.

Abundance finds joy.

Poverty squeezes a half-smile.

Lights bounce and laugh at the cool light of the moon.

Sharing means participation.

Sharing means giving to others.

Sharing means letting go of your story.

To see through the eyes of a stranger's story.

Stone hearts can't give.

Stone ears can't hear.

Stone minds won't change.

No gift will move a spirit that's given up on humanity.

No gift will lift a spirit that has given up on itself.

Snow pelts against the window.

Rain taps on the roof.

Wind whips over the moon on this clear night.

Build a mighty light that burns with the roar of justice.

Build it high so that all can see it's blessed light.

Out of the darkness.

Out of the self-hate.

Out of curiosity, lost spirits will come.

To share with us the gift of hope.



A New Hope


Talking about Star Wars and politics may appear to be alien.

The failure of Star Wars episodes 7,8, and 9, diminishing box office, and fan hatred have a similar underpinning with half of the American voters voting for Trump.

How’s that?

In a time far, far away, the business of show business was about being a factory of hope.

Movies are our modern-day way of telling collective tales.

And the biggest seller of all time are stories that deliver hope.

No one is getting out of this life alive, and we all know it.

Stories of hope ease the pain of life.

They bring a smile.

A tear.

A beat in the chest that says you did good.

They put asses in seats that sell tickets over and over again.

The original Star Wars trilogy started off with a subtitle, A New Hope.


Before episodes 7, 8, and 9 lit up the silver screen, there was hope for a new start.

After episodes 7, 8, and 9, hope didn’t show up.

Just like our politics for the past 40 years and growing promises were made but were never fulfilled.

The American society has been made a lot of promises.

But like so much of our society today, it’s based on hype and not substance.

Special effects, but no story.

Grandiose plot twists without ever having earned it.

People are not that dumb.

They expect and deserve the respect that the time they devote will see a return on their investment.

Episodes 7, 8, and 9 and our government made promises that they had no intention of fulfilling.

They had another agenda.

Their agenda was not giving hope but personal enrichment, personal enshrinement of power.

The suits had forgotten what put butter on their bread.

Making their fans happy.

Giving hope.

Yet hope arrives unexpectedly from places and sources not looked for.

Hope came in the face of a puppet.

A child.

The child restored lost faith.

It knew it’s limits.

It knew what the starving needed.

Not promises.

We needed hope.

We need to see the bad guy get their due.

We need to see the good guy win.

We need substance that will make manifest our dreams and desires.

Hollywood is a dream factory for the heart.

Washington is a dream factory of the people.

You can’t separate the people from their heart; they’re one and the same.

Stories have a beginning, middle, and end.

We are all raised as children to know this.

We want to see the good triumph, and the evil defeated.

It doesn’t happen as often as it should in real life.

This is why we turn to our entertainment to express the ideals of which we hold dear.

Hope is best if you want a return on your investment in film.

Hope is the best bet for anyone who wants to lead a people.





You can't save a drowning person if they believe they can swim.

A person's confidence in their belief provides a protection from self-doubt.

The enemy of any belief is doubt.

This is why belief is fortified through a structure of rituals.

You daily repeat a ritual to remind yourself of your commitment to your belief.

Any doubt means you have slipped up.

You left the belief; the belief did not leave you.

A daily affirmation, a daily repeating of sacred words, enshrines the structure of belief in your daily ritual.

Consequently, generally speaking, most beliefs do not lose any followers.

They live, worship, and believe within the protection of like-minded practitioners.

Racism is a belief.

Racism is a belief.

People live, worship, and believe alongside of their fellow practitioners that the white race is solely responsible for the history of this world.

Racism does not lose many followers.

Racists daily use words of discrimination against the race, gender, sexual orientation that they know are not as important as they are.

The believers in white apartheid have no doubt in their correctness.

Their faith has been given to them by their Bible, which is the word of God.

God created Adam, and he was white.

Racist's belief tells them that the Bible is the story of the white race fighting against the forces of evil led by dark-skinned people.

They have no doubt.

You can't save a racist when they know that white equals power.

There is no doubt.

For centuries upon centuries, racism has been fed and grown in wealthy homes and poor.

It is a structure that gives comfort against the harsh realities of life.

Some of us liberals believe we can rescue the racist.

But like a person drowning in a river, if the lifeguard is not careful, they too will be pulled down to the bottom and die.

Racists can't hear us call them back to shore.

Racists can't see that too many people have died.

Racists feel it in their hearts and minds that they are right and we are wrong.

Half this country voted for racism in November of 2020.

Half this country voted for the protection of the Confederacy.

Half this country voted for the separation of immigrant children from their asylum-seeking families.

Half of this country voted for the discrimination against women and gays.

They don't want to be rescued because their water is fine.

They see no danger.

They don't see the dark water rising.

They don't feel the riptide pulling them down.

You can't tell a person they're wrong when they believe they are right.

Racism is a belief.

These senators, congresspeople are defending the white power structure in America.

They are willing to burn the Constitution to keep that structure in place.

This is what we who believe in the Constitution's heart are standing against.

We truly believe in the words that all people are created equal.

So what do we do?

We listen to wise words on how to travel together to the beloved community.

We resist evil.

We make friends across the divide.

We defeat injustice that makes victims of both the target and the actor.

We suffer hate with dignity and grace.

We love, not hate.

We know that the universe bends towards justice every time.

Every time.

That's what we will do.



To Feed Evil


The comfort food of evil is fear.

There are three types of people in this world with a varying degree of mixture between the types.

There are evil people.

There are good people.

There are those in the middle that are neither.

The majority of people throughout our collective history are those that pack the middle way.

The primary goal is to be left alone.

To be insulated from the hot and cold weather of life.

Their choice is not to choose.

To maintain this choice, they have to believe in fear.

Evil is happy to provide the fear on which the fearful feed.

In America, this food is equality.

The founders of this nation were afraid to make everyone free and equal.

The fear was fed upon and made black people 3/5’s of a human.

The fear was fed when states declared they did not have to obey a federal government.

The fear was fed when the civil war fought to bind a nation as one failed to stop the fear of equality.

The table of fear was now set after the failure of reconstruction.

Reconstruction was that brief time when black people were given equal rights.

But the terror stalked the streets in white hoods, in whispers of protect your white women.

Hope was burned away by flaming crosses.

Middle America fed.

Middle America was comforted by their fear of the other.

Those people who live on the bad side of town are different from me, they told themselves.

We humans like to feel superior.

We like to feel we are doing better than others.

The fear-mongers know this.

The fear-mongers who profit from feeding the racial fears of this nation gather to themselves great wealth and power.

These fear mongers are not just in government, in industry, in boardrooms, but they’re in your home.

In your circle of friends.

They keep the heart of racism beating.

Once upon a time, the home of the racist in America was the Democratic Party.

But once President Kennedy and President Johnson pushed for the voting rights act, the Dixiecrats felt uncomfortable with the main course set out by these progressive liberals.

The racists wanted the old bone they had been chewing on since reconstruction.

Nixon and his election team saw an opportunity. 

They called upon the racists to leave the Democrats and come on over the Republican whites-only picnic.

Since Nixon, that’s where the racists of America find their daily bread at the table of the Republican Party.

Trump did not create the menu that feeds fear in our nation.

He is the latest head waiter to take advantage of racial hate and hunger in our country.

Racism at its heart wants us to believe that other people are to blame for why we don’t have nice things.

Racism is a deflection of taking personal responsibility for why things are bad.

Blame the other guy.

I can’t be to blame for why jobs moved away.

I can’t be to blame for why wages are down.

I can’t be bothered to vote.

I can’t be evil, can I?

The Republican Party is happy to feed the fears of Americans.

It’s the easy thing to do.

It’s hard to get people to do the right thing.

How easy is it to floss your teeth every day?

Get enough steps in?

Read a book?

Talk to a friend?

Doing good is not easy because if it was, everyone would do it.

So here we are in a plague that is killing thousands every day.

Half the nation believes in the racism of Trump.

But more than half don’t!

Got to keep your eyes on the prize.

If it was easy to get to the brotherhood of man, everyone would do it.

