
Season of Cruelty


Baseball for the year 2019 draws to a close.

Summer thinks about hanging on all year round.

Grandma isn't able to get out of the house anymore.

A political party gives up being for all Americans.

The season of cruelty continues.

Human families come to our nation's door seeking comfort are separated and abused.

A natural disaster.

Wealth intended to give relief from despair is diverted to build a wall to stop the future at our border.

The same hate marches in the street of the big city and also through the living room of the country house.

The sexual abuse of women and children is a protected lifestyle of the rich.

The poor are given poisoned water.

The season of cruelty continues.

Elected men and women worry more about their position than to hold accountable those who spit on our Constitution.

The elected officials enable the purveyors of cruelty to rip and rend our society.

Media spokespeople for the current President tell us there is only one truth, and that is in the mind of the leader.

Children in America are locked in cages.

Children in America are taken from their hospital beds and deported.

Children in America are shot to death in their classrooms.

Promises of pardons are given to the loyal tigers which stalk the streets of America who rend the hope of the people.

The Chosen One tells us he's loved better than Jesus.

The season of cruelty continues.

The President tells us everything he says is a joke.

The season of cruelty continues.

Every season has its end.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, even the worse tyrant will someday die.

They will go away.

However, for those living under the rule of the tyrant, the season will be cruel.

Seasons are soft lessons for hard heads.

For those that forget easily.

Seasons don't yell at first.

Seasons don't come in with a bang.

Seasons come in when a society opens its door.

What can wander through the door and into the hearts and minds of a people could be good or bad.

Like the ocean tide, today, a cruel wave washes across America.

It has been a rising tide of hate.

A tide filled with ignorance.

A tide awash with selfishness.

A tide that has washed away moorings of humanity and compassion.

Those that thought their world was build upon a higher ground have fallen into despair.

The same hate that generations fought and died fighting against still lies at the bedrock of our American experience.

Seasons teach lessons.

When winter comes, when the world becomes cold and hard, if sustenance has not been laid away, the season will be cruel.

However, a lesson should be learned.

That before the change of season comes again you must work hard to prepare.

This season of cruelty we are living through is here to teach us a lesson.

The lesson is that hate and ignorance will always be with us.

A nation, a society must prepare, must learn that the fight doesn't end for justice.

Again like the tide, it rises and falls with the season.

This tyrant will not be in power forever.

But there will undoubtedly be others like him.

There will undoubtedly be followers of hate ready to support cruelty.

We as defenders of the faith, defenders of the Constitution, defenders of the truth of freedom and justice for all must do the good work.

We must faithfully do right.

Not just for ourselves but for the generations to come who will also have to pick up where we left off.

When this season ends, there will most certainly be another one coming.

Lest we forget.

Lest we forget our brothers and sisters.

Those that are within and outside of our borders who believe in the same hope for which this nation was founded.


Join hands, join hearts, join minds together to build not a wall of hate but a bridge of love.

It is the reason for the season.






No Fishing.

Don't Walk.



Bio Hazard.



Do not kill.

What is your reaction to rules?

Do you cherry pick what you believe applies to you?

I'm in a hurry the speed limit doesn't apply to me I have an appointment.

I'm late.

Why are those rules there anyways?

If someone stops you on the street and asks you for directions, do you spit in their face?

Be friendly to a stranger as you would want a stranger to be generous with you.

What are rules good for?

Many of us perceive rules as restricting us.

Laws restrict our freedom.

Buckle up.

The seatbelt is uncomfortable.

Don't text and drive.

I have to make that call, or they won't like me.

The misconception about laws, about rules, about signs, is that they restrict you.

Somebody put up that sign to stick it to me.

I'll do what I want when I want to whom I want.

Nobody can tell me no.

Laws are there not to restrict just you.

Rules of behavior are not there as punishment.

Laws are there to protect you from casual disregard and violence.

That biggest rule of all, do not kill.

It's there to protect you from being killed.

It's laying down a moral line in the sand that says all life is precious.

This is the only experience that we will ever be guaranteed to have this life we live now.

No one has a right to that life other than the person who is living it.

Your belief stops at the point of your nose.

That moral law, do not kill, is saying not just to you but to that other person who you made angry in line at the store that they do not have the right to take vengeance on you and take your life.

That person who is reckless and texts and drives just like you in the car next to you, that restriction is there, so they don't t-bone you and cripple you for life.

The, don't walk sign, is there so that you don't ruin somebody else's life when you blindly ignore your own self-interest and step off the curb into oncoming traffic and they run you down in the crosswalk.

Society has rules for a reason, and that reason is to make life better for everyone.

Rules are not meant to deprive you of your freedom or your choice.

Rules are there to protect you.

It's stopping other people from harming you.

It's about saving you.

To keep us all safe.

It's not just about you.

It's about us.

We the people.

Laws provide a foundation of protection from the miss deeds of others.

It's the grease in the machinery.

Without that grease, the gears of life will grind and tear each other apart.

Our society would implode, and that wouldn't be good for anyone except for the scavengers.

The vultures.

Yesterday up in the air in North Carolina, scavengers were circling.

The smell of racism was evident in the air.

The President who has been put in charge of our Republic encouraged the buzzards to partake of the rot he served them.

Since his campaign, he has fed a steady diet of the red meat of racism to the bigots among us.

The assembled crowd confident in their jeers that this nation was not founded upon the principle of freedom and justice for all but only for the white race.

That principle?

From many one.

The wound that has become rotted on the American heart, which has never been cleaned since the Civil War.

We, as a nation, applied a temporary bandage and hoped that the gangrene of racism would somehow cure itself.

Here we are today in the first half of the 21st-century wrestling with a law that was established in 1776.

Freedom, justice, and the right to happiness for all.

That bandage that covers the rot of racism must be ripped away so that the light of justice for all mankind can shine upon that wound and heal it once and for all.

How long are we going to ignore our own stink?

How long does it take for a people to understand that freedom is for all?

Black, brown, white, men, women, child, straight, gay from many one rule.

Freedom means in this great American experiment the capacity to extend love beyond self to the person I don't know in recognition that they too are human and will extend that same love back to me.

The grease.

The sign.

The law.

The rule.

Through love, all things are possible.



Not Me


When I see an elderly woman stumble and fall.

When I see a man stand on the corner lost.

When I see a girl disobey the traffic laws.

When I see a boy take a hoody from the store.

I say not me.

When I hear the angry voice of a man, who lost his job.

When I hear a young person's song beat my ears.

When I hear the cry of another woman's child.

When I hear the tenor of despair because of lost love.

I say not me.

When I feel the desperate pleas for justice.

When I feel the passion of anger against violence.

When I feel the burning rage of neglect.

When I feel the fear of those, who hate.

I say not me.

Not me?

None of us are without fault committed by us freely in our lives.

Our faults can define us and how we conduct our lives to the end.

Our faults can drive us to persecute or towards an awakening.

Our faults can blind us or open our eyes.

Our faults can deafen our compassion or open wide our hearts and minds.

None of us are without fault.

We all share the responsibility for our society for our community.

Through neglect, we've allowed the shallow, the petty, the self-interest to dominate our social discourse, our Republic.

Our government, our law enforcement leadership apparently so corrupted by their own vice that they are unwilling or unable to prosecute crimes committed against our society.

Money launder's, sex trafficker's, pedophiles, tax frauds, sexual predators as long as they serve a political party is exempt from justice.

Obvious crimes committed by officials of this government along our borders go un-investigated, are not stopped as private enterprise profits off the imprisonment of children?

What has happened to the leadership of this nation, I ask?

Are we to believe as I have stated that they are all every last one of them so corrupted by their vices that not one of them can hold jury over any of these apparent crimes?

If it's not their vices, what else can prevent apparently good people from standing for justice and bringing the criminal to trial?

Is the can of worms, the Pandora's Box of corruption so great that every last official is awash in a quagmire of their own muck?

Shame is only for humans who can still feel it.

Apparently, many do not know the meaning of love.

By that which I treat the least of the lives found in this world, I will be known.

To grovel and fetch for the carnal pleasure of hate?

Is that where our society has landed here in the 21st Century?

Have the dreams of a nation of a people been so torn and discarded that even a simple point of justice, that we don't tolerate child rape is too difficult for us to prosecute?

The apparent moral bankruptcy of our two political powers, the one graft, and power at any cost, the other spineless, is overwhelming.

I feel the rage of neglect.

I hear the cry of pain of another woman's child.

I see the man lost because of fear.

I stand.

I will never be silent.



Baby Teeth


The world is growing up.

Living has a way of creating a set of expectations.

When you are a child, you think you will have your teeth forever.

Then one day one of them comes loose and soon they are all falling out.

Your expectation did not match Reality.

Most of us believe in the stories told by those in authority over us individually in our early years our parents, our caretakers tell us.

These stories we naturally believe to be true.

Why would our parents lie to us?

An example is someday you will have a job.

Most of us get some level of education, and from there, we make choices and pursue a career.

Life sometimes throws us a curve ball, and instead of a career with a 9 to 5 job, we get an hourly wage at a fast food joint.

When, we were told we would grow up to have a career, and we dreamed what that career would be the difference between Reality and our dream can be strikingly different can it not?

Right now, you and I are living in a time of change.

We are witness to what I'm calling a clash of expectations.

Each of us expected our lives and the world to work one way only to be confronted with something very different.

That difference is Reality.

This clash of expectations today occurs because we for the first time in history can have the truth as well as lies delivered into our hands and into our minds instantly.

Steve Jobs wanted to put the power of the computer into everyone's hands.

He saw it as a way of incorporating, of blending together, of merging the human race in a specific manner to embrace the harmony of humanity through knowledge.

He helped usher in the communication age.

People like Buckminster Fuller saw that the desktop computer was going to be the most revolutionary power to pull all aspects of humanity onto a critical path of knowledge.

For the very first time in human history, humanity would be able to know information instantly.


Joseph Campbell, on the other hand, saw a canyon opening up in humanity's future.

As Arthur C. Clarke put it, humanity was coming to its own childhood's end.

It was going to lose its baby teeth.

Campbell rightly witnessed the end of humanity's transitional traditions.

When I was a child, I thought like a child, and when I became an adult, I thought as an adult.

Childish things are to be put away when we become adults.

Campbell saw that the world over had lost those cultural traditions which told the child previously that now you are no longer a child, now you are an adult.

Our modern society…

As the adult, you are responsible for the common good of the whole.

Children conversely are only concerned with their own happiness, their own welfare, and are selfish.

Previously in the West, this time of transition from childhood to adulthood was called the age of responsibility.

When a person reached the age of eight or thereabouts, the child was recognized by the adults in the community as being able to understand the difference between right and wrong.

Being aware of that difference meant they could be held responsible for their actions not only for themselves but for the community.

They realized Joe was old enough to trust that he could take the cows down to the river for a drink and not leave them there to go off and play.


The individual left behind their childhood and took on the role of the adult to support and defend the common good.

Our modern society has allowed that tenant of humanity, what it means to be a human and an adult to drift away, much like Wilson the soccer ball did in the film Castaway.

Today we allow 40-year-old grown children to act out in public precisely as if they were toddlers.

Somehow collectively, we are afraid to tell these adults to put away their toys, clean up their rooms, and behave like an adult.

There is obviously a whole host of issues that these childish expectations from these immature adults can come into conflict with Reality.

I deserve a trophy!

I will marry Prince Charming!

I will have the perfect career!

I'm always right, you're always wrong!

You can't make me!

I'm winning you're not!

I'm better than you!

It's mine!



The Child/Adult can resist growing and being responsible for more than just their selfish interests well into their 80's.

However, one day, they will have to face Reality.

The truth.

We only get one chance at life, and sitting at the children's table living as a petulant child tyrant is a sad existence.

A sad existence for the child and the parents.

In America today, we find many people who we have previously elected to Office that demonstrate that they are still children.

These representatives of ours whine, they stomp their feet, they cry out, these Senators are throwing a tantrum because they refuse to do the chore that they were sent to elected Office to do.

Their expectations of power and prestige as a member of a representational government has come into conflict with the Reality of which is more critical their self-interests or the Constitution?

They resent that they must serve the Constitution and not solely themselves.

The Constitution which is written for We the people, not I the indulged child/adult.

At the head of our government currently sits a particular kind of a spoiled brat.

Indulged throughout his life, never told he was wrong by those that served his father, he believes himself to be his own law, his own justice, his own judge.

He has an expectation that his world cannot be challenged.

It's time that the adults in the room introduce this child President to Reality.

It's time to give him a time out.



More Than A Feeling


America has a problem, and it appears to be us.

One step forward, two steps back.

That's right.

One step forward, two steps back.

The problem that America has did not arrive with the election of the current President.


There has been a sickness at the center of the American heart that we, as a people, have ignored generation after generation.

Just like our physical health, the mental health of America is not what it can be.

There is obviously something broken in our will.

There is obviously something overheated in our choices.

There is obviously something falling apart at the center of our idea of Justice, of fairness, of the common good.

At least half of the population of our nation live in a world without hope.

I don't mean they can't live day by day but to tell you the truth that's just what I mean.

If all you are doing each day is just getting by, just living, lust living because you have lost hope for your future, you are living in a purgatory.

You are working hard each day but getting nowhere.

You feel your head slipping under the surface of the waters of life.

You are choking on the words of promises not kept by those entrusted with your vote.

On the other hand…

The condition of America's mental health is not held solely contingent upon the actions of others, we the people are also responsible for letting our conscious get distorted.

Loss of income, loss of job opportunities are a part of life.

They always have been.

Life ain't easy then you die…

There have been places and times in the past where economic opportunity failed the people of the world and created a fertile ground in which political opportunists and tyrants ransacked and destroyed nations.

They plunged their populations into wars, blaming others for their own financial and moral circumstance.

It's easy to say the devil made me do it, then it is to take personal responsibility for your own failing.

Your own demons.

Yet here in America we the people have always understood that the good of the many is extended to the few and to the one.

Our great American experiment is about a nation of many living together through thick and thin.

That our strength is we leave no one behind.

The rich, the poor, the healthy, the sick, the old, the young and all the colors of humanity working together to make a better nation, a better world, a better life for each other.

So here we are at this time and this place in America.

The times they are a changing yet again.

Today instantly, people can unite or divide over a single Tweet.

Words matter.

Words can make people swallow hate or words can lift them out of fear and give them hope.

Each of us has that responsibility to the nation and to each other.

We need to give each other hope.

What can hope be?

Hope can be if you become sick you can't lose your home.

Hope can come from not being afraid your child will be killed in their classroom.

Hope can be working hard and earning a living to pay your bills with a little extra left in your pocket.

Hope can be coming out of the shadows of racism, misogyny, sexual bias, and contributing without fear of economic and social retribution.

Hope can be an educational safety net that if your career opportunities change your new education is free.

None of these ideas to bring hope are new.

No, they are not.

They have been there since the foundations of this Republic.

We the People of the United States, in Order, to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

All that means is we believe that hope belongs to everyone.

The more Justice, the more peace, the more security, the more universal good, the blessing of love and hope will be had by this generation and the generations to come.

Who doesn't want that?

Who would work against that?

Those that profit that feeds off of fear that's who.

Fear is power, and for those who either want control or want to retain it fear is the thing that is fed.

Fear can do a lot.

It can build walls.

It can start wars.

It can starve people.

It can stop dreams.

It can destroy compassion.

It can throw down honor.

It can drown duty.

Fear is the enemy of hope.

More than a feeling, hope is the foundation of America.

After all this time, after all the people who have fought for, died for and have stood for what this nation stands for, we are not the generation to turn its back.


Let us each one of us ask of ourselves and of our neighbors to do better.

Not just for ourselves, but for all those generations yet to come.

Let us each in our way drop hate and lift up hope for all.



Right From Wrong


How can you know if you're in the right?

Many people past and present have and will go to their graves in the belief they are right.

Over 620,000 Confederate soldiers died for the cause of the South during the American Civil War.

They believed they were in the right.

1,773,700 plus German soldiers died during World War One.

They believed they were in the right.

Then the German people still believed they were in the right and the rest of the world was wrong and for a second time they went to war with the world and over 4.3 million soldiers were killed and over 500,000 civilians were killed.

They got the message they were wrong.

3 million North Korean soldiers died for their cause.

They believed they were in the right.

1.1 million North Vietnamese soldiers died for their belief.

They believed they were in the right.

This doesn't count the tens of millions of non-believers killed by these true believers during these conflicts who murdered the other under the assumption that there can only be one truth.

We today can see who was on the wrong side and who was on the right side during those conflicts.

But why didn't the people during those wars see the writing on the wall?

Why couldn't they see they were wrong in the first place?

There are big questions of right and wrong, but also there are everyday interactions, conflicts, issues that need answers.

How do you know you're in the right?

How many of us are willing to kill for a belief?

In our nation, many believe that they have the right to own guns and to kill whom they want when they want for their own reasons.

No one can stop them from killing not even the Constitution they believe.

We have subtler folks who casually discriminate based upon race.

Discrimination is a kind of casual death sentence upon the victim who is never given a real chance to thrive.

Greed drives many to gather and amass wealth through fraudulent business's, charities, religions.

Greed instructs the follower that the innocent are sheep, and you are the shearer.

Take from the stupid they'll never miss it.

Does at any time taking from the poor to make oneself rich ever raise a flag of morality for some?

Does a type of social, economic racism allow the person to convince themselves that this other kind of person doesn't deserve to be happy?

I'm of the mind that you either like humanity or you don't.

You're either willing to lend a hand or are of the mind that life is a party and it's there for your taking.

I'm also of the mind given our current time we live in that this split between those that are aware and support versus those that don't care about the common good is around 60/40.

I'm being an optimist and think that based upon the current polls demonstrating 40% of our citizens support our current President, and 60% don't.

That ratio can be reasonably applied to every issue that comes up today.

There are 40% of the nation who want children locked up.

There are 40% who want to discriminate against brown people.

There are 40% who don't want women to have equal pay.

There are 40% who would be happy with a dictator as long as that dictator favored them and oppressed the 60%.

There are 40% who want no restrictions on their right to kill with guns.

There are 40% who don't want the LGBTQ+ community to exist, let alone have equal rights.

There are 40% who don't want abortions for any reason.

There are 40% who believe that the rich and corporations like them.

There are 40% who don't believe Man can change the climate.

There are 40% who don't want to share, food, neighborhoods, the street, the sidewalk, waiting in line, your right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It's really a sad thing to think about.

How could so many be so willing to destroy so much and yet still believe they are in the right?

What blinds people to pain?

What makes people deaf to the sound of sorrow?

What makes people ignore the crippling predatory power of poverty?

What takes away a person's ability to feel the anguish of hopelessness in another?

Is it as simple as, "At least it's not me."

How did generations, these generations that share this nation with us turn their hearts and minds away from love?

What put up the walls?

What burned down the truth of the common good?

What ground up common decency?

How did respect become hate?

Why did so many stop dreaming?

Why did so many of us stop dreaming of a better world?

They stopped dreaming…

So many have swallowed the pill of bitterness and now spew rank hatred in their wake.


How can a person believe that hatred, discrimination, intolerance, selfishness is standing on the side of right?

Of goodness?

Of compassion?

Of honor?

Of duty?

Personally, I'm gobsmacked.

America and please psychologists tell me if I'm wrong, but America has a personality disorder.

An example is the "Opioid" problem.

Yes, a corporation and doctors got together and made money off their product.

They are sociopaths for sure.

However, there is another problem that is more disturbing than corporate greed and the willingness to throw their customers into the morgue.

It's called personal responsibility.

Vast swaths of the Midwest have seen and are living in the aftermath of losing heavy industry and manufacturing to other countries via corporate boards lust for their ever-growing profit monster.

Unemployment, economic downturns, even depressions of the past meant everyone had to work harder.

Tough times made a tough people.

Can do spirit.

It didn't mean that they threw morality, society, self respect , belief in the rule of law out the window and went from no job to heroin addict overnight.

Historically speaking, if you're out of work, you became an alcoholic.

But opioids?


How is that doing right?

What makes one say I am different from the rest of these losers, I'm not an addict, I got this under control, I'm in the right?

I need this to get my life straight?

This personality disorder that America has did not develop on its own.



People do bad things when you take away their dreams.

When people can't dream, it means they are depressed.


When dreams become nightmares, some people strike out in fear and anger.

There is something we as a nation needs to know, something we all need to hear.

We can dream again.

We must, and it is our duty to dream again.

We don't have to believe we need to tear up and burn down what we have to make a clean start of it again.


You don't set your house on fire because you need a new pillow.

Some of us need to calm down.

Open our eyes.

Our minds.

Our hearts.

Understand that the first principle of being right is to believe in truth.

Even if that truth reveals that we are in the wrong.

There is and only has been one truth in all of human history.

Not your truth or my truth but one great universal truth that has united us from birth to death.

Wisdom comes from compassion.

It's why a man a long time ago said, "What parent would give their child a rock if they are hungry?"

Too many fellow Americans believe they are in the right and are handing out rocks to the rest of us to suck on.

That's got to change.

Love means doing more, not less.

Love asks more of each of us every day.

Reach out to that brother and sister and give them some of your courage.

Lift that box off their heads called fear.

Push away the night terrors created by their fear.

Ask them to join in a new dream.





The times they are changing.

The people on top have gone through many name changes in history.

A moving target is hard to hit.

For a very long time, they were called Bandits.

Then Master.

Then King.

Then Aristocracy.

Then the Man.

Then the Ownership Class.

They have had a few things in common over the past 10,000 years.

The ownership class does not like to share.

The ownership class does not like public education.

The ownership class does not like the Public period.

The times they are changing.

In the past history 400 years ago, the fear that struck at the heart of the Aristocracy was Moveable type.

Moveable type meant that anything which was said on any given day, on that same day, it could be printed and read by thousands.

The King's in the past were not afraid of the public learning of their thievery in time for the public to do anything about it.

The Master's controlled the narrative about themselves masterfully.

The public couldn't understand the motivations of the wealthy because we were poor.

Not just poor in the pocketbook, but also poorly educated, poorly understood politics, poorly endowed with brains that were equal to the rich.

Moveable type allowed for the almost live rendition of fact to the general public.

It took many social and political revolutions, the American revolution being one of them before the Aristocracy got control of the narrative again.

You can point to the American Civil war as being one of the turning points in history where a War of the Aristocracy was committed to further the power and control of industry.

The First World War was a war between the Aristocracy of Europe.

Each and every war since then has been about control of corporate power over resources and who ultimately sat on industry boards in control of the planets natural wealth.

The Man in control of the "Business" gave money to politicians who wrote the laws, who then made the world favorable once again to the Aristocrat.

Dissent was easily destroyed through media, narratives casting doubt upon public institutions were firmly once again ingrained in the public perception.

Can't trust the government…

Freedom had the drapes pulled, and the public didn't see it coming.

The ownership class is good at its own public relations you have to give them that.

However, an immigrant to America had an idea from watching Star Trek.

Steve Jobs wanted to own and operate a company that built and supplied the computer that was in control of the starship Enterprise.

Today over 2.1 billion smartphones and growing are in the hands of the public.

This is causing yet again a fundamental shift of power to which the Aristocrat is once again in jeopardy.

The Ownership class is throwing the kitchen sink at the truth, trying to stop the information age.

At least those aware enough to see that their yacht is on fire.

The Masters are losing control of the narrative.

Each and every day, countless millions can see and hear how their neighbor fell off their skateboard and broke their tailbone.

They can see and hear what their government representative has said about cooperating with an enemy of their country.

They can see and hear the owner of an airplane company say, "…oops we made a mistake people died, our bad."

They can see and hear how current day Aristocrats tell women what they can and can't have in their bodies.

The narrative is no longer in control of the invisible corrupt.

We are witness to a transition in history, just like the time of the invention of the Moveable type.

Our world is changing.

It will change fundamentally.

The genie is out of the bottle.

No amount of alternative narrative can prevent the truth from being revealed.

The sight of a man running away shot in the back by police.

A Sex Trafficker is sitting with your senator, your president's family.

A teacher is choking a student.

A teen is shooting a store clerk in the face.

Men in the street are carrying tiki torches chanting slogans of Nazis.

The sight of a melted north pole.

This power that has been given to us in the palm of our hands is an instrument for a fundamental change of our world, of our society.

For the first time in human history, those that feed and profit from fear can no longer hide.

What happens next?

The times they are changing…





Fear creates false stories.

If you are afraid, you are willing to believe the worse of the thing you are scared of.

It has been going on in the minds of humanity for a very long time.

Entire faiths, entire societies are based upon fear.

Fear of death.

Fear of the stranger.

Fear of new ideas.

Fear of change.

Fear of you.

That's right.

Somebody, somewhere right this very minute is afraid of you.

Of what you represent.

What do you represent?

Are you working for peace between your brother and your sister?

Or do you work against them because you don't trust them?

Or do you fall into the third thing which captures the majority of us which is you do nothing?

Fear will render the most logical person to accept the illogical.

For all of Time, there has arisen out of the emotion of fear a false narrative.

A false story.

A false idea that there is a choice to be made.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

Upon the question of immigration, we are told you must have security first then possibly consideration will be given to why undocumented immigration happens in the first place.

Why can't we do both?

We have adopted an ugly discourse of narrowly believing there is only one way to solve a problem.

We search for a magic silver bullet that we can fire off and finish off the beast.

We want to kill off the thing that makes us worry and work as quickly as possible.

We want a better world without doing any work.

I'll declare that to be a lazy, sluggish way of thinking.

It ignores our reality of life.

Let me put it this way…

When your parent cleaned your bottom, did they do it only once?

Did they say I'll find the best method of cleaning my child's bottom and I'll be done with that!

They cleaned your bottom once and walked away.

They were self-satisfied that they did the job in the best, the most efficient way they knew how and never came back?


Life is about messes and how we do our duty to attend to them.

Messes are renewed on a daily basis.

Your parent didn't have a fear of their duty to love their child.

Your parent saw it as a privilege to care for you.

As it is our privilege to care for each other.

Each of us has an ability no matter how large no matter how small and humble to reach out and care for each other.

We can both walk and talk.

We can both care and have standards.

We can praise and critique.

Fear wants us to believe there is a binary choice between yes and no when, in reality, we all know that the world is gray.

Evil never wants a compromise.

A compromise would mean giving and giving is not what evil is about.

Our duty to each other is never-ending.

Love doesn't stop at the border.

Love doesn't stop at the patient's bedside.

Love doesn't stop at the arrest of a suspect.

Love doesn't stop at the bench before the judge.

Love doesn't stop with the words in our Constitution.

Love asks more.

Love asks you to do all things with a glad heart.

You don't get to choose on the path of love how you can segregate your heart.

The realm of good ideas all has a seat at the table of humanity.

Love demands that we do all of them together.

We do not get to choose.

Love knows we can handle it.

Only fear tells us to choose one.

Life is not like Sophie's Choice.

We are not at the point of a gun to choose the life of one of our children over another.

We do not live in a world of a Paleolithic culture having to decide which child we must sacrifice to the "God's" so that we can have a good crop next year.


The world has moved beyond that cultural, mental restriction of child sacrifice.

Human sacrifice for a hollow safety.

Although some who feed fear want to feed that monster continually.

Blood doesn't have to be spilled for us to realize what is the right thing to do.


We can keep both children.

We can keep all the children.

We can keep your children and mine.

Hasn't the world gone through enough to realize that compassion has a huge hug?

We can do both…

It's not difficult.

It's called love.


Keeping It Real


Keeping it real is a turn of phrase that means you stay true to yourself.

For the past month, we have seen leaders in our government display their true selves.

We saw a Speaker of the House stand for the people of this nation who are not afraid of the future.

We saw a leader of the majority in the Senate hide behind his office and not until the President laid his own head on the chopping block did he meekly say I think you're wrong Mr. President.

We saw a president who has an apparent personality disorder that doesn't allow him to tell objective truth.

Our President can only say what he thinks we want to hear.

Our President sees no difference between doing what is right or what is wrong as long as he gets his way.

This week we also observed the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, who kept it real.

Keeping it real.

What does that mean to you?

As you go through life and get older, you may be able to attain wisdom.

Where wisdom comes from is learning from your mistakes.

If you don't learn from your mistakes, that's a sign too.

Time and time again, the President makes the same mistake.

The mistake that the President makes is that he believes we don't care.

We don't care about refugees.

We don't care about those who don't have health care.

We don't care about government workers.

We don't care about non-white people.

We don't care about what this nation has stood for these past 200 plus years.

This nation has stood for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

He believes we will all be satisfied with the status quo with White men making all the decisions and everyone else waiting around to serve them.

That's the world from which he came.

From his perspective he's…

Keeping it real.

Physicians take an oath.

That oath they swear to says they are to do no harm.

They are to do no harm.

I think our elected officials from dog catcher to President should take that same oath.

To do no harm.

Hurting people for political power for political gain is evil.

Sociopaths the world over practice that ideal as a large part of their personal philosophy.

In the book, The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D. tells us that 1 in 25 people are sociopaths.

That means if you know, 100 people 4 of them are sociopaths.

The sociopath is the one that's making trouble and never taking responsibility for the disaster they created.

Doesn't that sound like the President?

Should the President be pitied?


He knows the difference between good and evil but doesn't care which device he employs as long as he gets his orgasm no matter what that may entail.

We, as a nation, are learning what it means to have a president with this kind of personality disorder.

I've said before that I have had personal experience with a sociopath who almost destroyed my life.

It is illuminating as well as tragic to see our nation go through the same experience I had as we as a nation suffer at the hands of this man our President.

Keeping it real.


This too, shall pass.

We will all learn from our mistakes.

We will protect ourselves in the future from repeating this tragedy.

On the other side, we as a nation will learn to take better care of ourselves, and we will be better people.

Keeping it real.

