What Love

You tell me to love, why?

Love never tells you to do anything… it expects you to.

I love my family; that’s enough.

Love expects you to love your family and your neighbor's family and your neighbor's neighbor's family.

Why do I have to love them?

You don’t have to do anything.

It’s all up to you what kind of a day, a week, a year, or a lifetime you want to spend your time in.

When we love our neighbor, we open a door that lets the fresh air of truth into our lives.

If we only love ourselves, we shut the door to the world.

The air of truth can’t get to us; we recycle our own thoughts over and over and over again.

We twist reality and bend it till we create a monster.

A monster that tells us only what we want to hear, what we want to know, what we want to see.

No more rainbows.

Only a dusty dank darkness cocooned in a web of self-delusion.


We lie to ourselves, and we believe our own lies.

I can’t trust people I don’t know.

Trust is always earned.

So I love other people, but they don’t love me back.

Love doesn’t expect a dividend.

Love is not a business transaction.

Love gives; it doesn’t take.

That’s how you can measure the quality of love.

Love doesn’t wait.

Love is now.

Love doesn’t keep 90% of the profit and gives the remainder to those in need.

Love doesn’t just show up on a day of the week.

Love doesn’t arrive on one day a year.

Love is constant.

Love waits.

Love listens.

Love moves.

Love stands for justice.

Love fights for freedom.

Love means honor.

What is love?

Love is the force that binds all people together of goodwill.

Love will take us to the stars; love will lift the forgotten out of misery.

Love is not an easy partner.

Love will always ask more never less.

A life of love is a life fulfilled.

What love?


Toby aka Daniel J. Frey