Black History Month


Do you have a purpose?

Do you care if you have a purpose or not?

If you don’t have a purpose or believe in having a purpose, you are in the majority.

The majority of us do not have a purpose.

What is a purpose?

Your job is not a purpose.

In fact, anything that is a function by its very nature is not a purpose.

Function does not have a purpose, and consequently, a purpose has no function.

Many of us mistake their function for a purpose.

As I said, your job is not a purpose; it’s a function.

Everyone has a job.

Functions are a common set of actions that any and all life can do does do.

Having children and raising them is a function.

Taking care of the sick and old is a function.

Teaching is a function.

Eating, traveling, entertaining, preaching, fighting, sex, and more are all functions.

If any living creature can do it in their fashion, then it's a function.

Not a purpose.

Do you have a purpose?

You can add another fact that to qualify as a function, you can or could be paid for it.

Dentists, farmers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and politicians are all functions.

To have a purpose means, by its very nature, you won’t be paid for it.

As you can see, so far, having a purpose is not that attractive, is it?

Yet having a purpose is the reason, the goal of being alive.

Having no purpose is akin to being the walking dead.

Wandering through life feeding on the brains, the thoughts of others without regard to who will be harmed.

Never ever think that having a purpose means it has to be grand.



That would be against everything that having a purpose means.

The smallest of purposes can also be the most important.

Being kind is a purpose.

Compassion is a purpose.

Empathy is a purpose.

These purposes are expressed through the language of love.

These purposes are executed through the administration of justice.

These purposes are held through the application of freedom.

It is through our purpose, our corner of life, that we have the privilege to make the world better.

Not for ourselves; that is a function.

The purpose of life is to make the world better for all.

How are you doing with your purpose?


Toby aka Daniel J. Frey

Why Care?

Isn’t it obvious that the majority of the human race rejects the act of caring?

If quite simply the majority agreed then the world would be different from how we currently find it.

There would be no hunger.

There would be no one in the need of a home.

There would be safety.

There would be growth.

There would be peace.

What we have is endless cycles of hunger, poverty, brutality, stagnation, and war.

We do not have a brotherhood.

We do not hear the cry of despair.

We do not feel the time is right for change.

What we have is belief in a cultural myth telling us one race is better than the next.

No matter where we find ourselves on this world everyone everywhere is fed the idea that they are the pinnacle of society.

This giant mass of malignancy corrupts the spirit.

Damns the soul.

It’s purpose?

To feed the wicked who profit off the resulting misery.

Until we find a way to break this hold on the soul of humanity we are doomed to repeat it forever.

One step forward two steps back.

Our fight is with the darkness that whispers… “Might makes right.”

The profit is power.

Profit from holding back food.

Profit from keeping people behind walls.

Profit from fear.

Profit from war.

Profit from ugliness.

There is an idea that has been expressed for the past 2,000 years.

Only love will conquer hate.


Only love will conquer hate.

As the wind of selfishness blows back and forth the voice of love has resisted hate.

It calls for all who are alive to care.

To care for the poor, the weak, the lost, yes even care for those that hate us.

To be alive means to love.

To be alive means to care.

To grow.

To challenge the darkness.

To not let evil blind and deafen compassion.

To stand in the doorway and proclaim freedom and justice for all.

