

The times they are changing.

The people on top have gone through many name changes in history.

A moving target is hard to hit.

For a very long time, they were called Bandits.

Then Master.

Then King.

Then Aristocracy.

Then the Man.

Then the Ownership Class.

They have had a few things in common over the past 10,000 years.

The ownership class does not like to share.

The ownership class does not like public education.

The ownership class does not like the Public period.

The times they are changing.

In the past history 400 years ago, the fear that struck at the heart of the Aristocracy was Moveable type.

Moveable type meant that anything which was said on any given day, on that same day, it could be printed and read by thousands.

The King's in the past were not afraid of the public learning of their thievery in time for the public to do anything about it.

The Master's controlled the narrative about themselves masterfully.

The public couldn't understand the motivations of the wealthy because we were poor.

Not just poor in the pocketbook, but also poorly educated, poorly understood politics, poorly endowed with brains that were equal to the rich.

Moveable type allowed for the almost live rendition of fact to the general public.

It took many social and political revolutions, the American revolution being one of them before the Aristocracy got control of the narrative again.

You can point to the American Civil war as being one of the turning points in history where a War of the Aristocracy was committed to further the power and control of industry.

The First World War was a war between the Aristocracy of Europe.

Each and every war since then has been about control of corporate power over resources and who ultimately sat on industry boards in control of the planets natural wealth.

The Man in control of the "Business" gave money to politicians who wrote the laws, who then made the world favorable once again to the Aristocrat.

Dissent was easily destroyed through media, narratives casting doubt upon public institutions were firmly once again ingrained in the public perception.

Can't trust the government…

Freedom had the drapes pulled, and the public didn't see it coming.

The ownership class is good at its own public relations you have to give them that.

However, an immigrant to America had an idea from watching Star Trek.

Steve Jobs wanted to own and operate a company that built and supplied the computer that was in control of the starship Enterprise.

Today over 2.1 billion smartphones and growing are in the hands of the public.

This is causing yet again a fundamental shift of power to which the Aristocrat is once again in jeopardy.

The Ownership class is throwing the kitchen sink at the truth, trying to stop the information age.

At least those aware enough to see that their yacht is on fire.

The Masters are losing control of the narrative.

Each and every day, countless millions can see and hear how their neighbor fell off their skateboard and broke their tailbone.

They can see and hear what their government representative has said about cooperating with an enemy of their country.

They can see and hear the owner of an airplane company say, "…oops we made a mistake people died, our bad."

They can see and hear how current day Aristocrats tell women what they can and can't have in their bodies.

The narrative is no longer in control of the invisible corrupt.

We are witness to a transition in history, just like the time of the invention of the Moveable type.

Our world is changing.

It will change fundamentally.

The genie is out of the bottle.

No amount of alternative narrative can prevent the truth from being revealed.

The sight of a man running away shot in the back by police.

A Sex Trafficker is sitting with your senator, your president's family.

A teacher is choking a student.

A teen is shooting a store clerk in the face.

Men in the street are carrying tiki torches chanting slogans of Nazis.

The sight of a melted north pole.

This power that has been given to us in the palm of our hands is an instrument for a fundamental change of our world, of our society.

For the first time in human history, those that feed and profit from fear can no longer hide.

What happens next?

The times they are changing…



Self Interest


Why has the Republican Party jumped off a cliff?

What has happened to that political movements reason?

How can a majority of Republicans embrace hate yet deny the history of hate and the disaster that the future will bring to their party?


Spite is one of the answers.





Vengeance, are all included in spite.

One day during the two terms of President Obama, the Republican Party majority woke up that day and realized that the world they believed would never change…


Somewhere between poor people getting health care and Trans people using the same toilet as them, their collective heads exploded.

The myth they had consistently told themselves that being White and conservative in America would protect them from having to share the wealth with brown people evaporated in their minds.

They were painted into a corner…

This mental realization of the change, the broadening of the social good for all drove a hot knife into their guts.

The reaction has been the Republican Conservative Party would instead burn America down then allow one Black, one Brown, one other to share in "their" Homeland.

So among the many things that this executive branch has done while in Office to go where doomed political parties have gone before boldly…

Was when their President and his people declared they were to defund the Special Olympics.

A moment of pure joy and a revelation to the nation…

The conservatives in this country exposed the dark heart at the root of the hate that is being fed.

The Republican Party and conservative America believe that it is in a fight to its death.

They will not listen to reason because they are in a struggle with what they believe is true.

I've said it before, have you ever tried to take a bone away from a jealous dog?

These conservatives will bite your hand, they will claw your face, they will rip out your life apart to protect what they believe has been given to them by God.

Their rightful place as stewards of this country.

I personally know the depths of this feeling being born into this conservative culture.

It is not only believed but preached from the pulpit every Sunday in America.

The story of White supremacy is taught to this very day not just in alley's and in bars out by the highway.

White supremacy is in the Office, in the home, in the church.

The idea of segregation and Whites being the stewards of the earth is in the book of Genesis.

You don't believe it?

The racists believe it.

At least that's how White racists interpret it.

So trying to reason with the Republican Party currently is a losing strategy.

When was the last time you asked a card-carrying Christian to stop believing in Jesus?

A story that says you'll have eternal life if you believe in me.

That is not something that can't be casually laid down, can it?


Especially when through the long dark history of racism in this country, the two stories of racial superiority and Christianity have been woven together into an ugly basket of hate.

I honestly have no concrete answer to this problem of our current day.

I don't know how to stop the fear conservatives have that they are losing their world.

The reason why is because they are losing their world.

The world is waking up.

The light of truth is shining into the dark places of our society and revealing an ugly dark hearted mold growing there.

We today are working to clean out that mold of the heart and mind.

Those that are happy to live in that darkness are upset that we are letting in the sunshine and spraying bleach around.

Like that show Hoarders…?

They are furious that we want to clean the trash out of their house.

They love living in their filth.

They are comfortable with the status quo, and we are upsetting the apple cart.

In one respect, we are watching conservative America ride their anger off the cliff of history.

We who are looking towards the future are watching the past commit suicide.

We, the people, the majority, stand at the mountain top and ask aloud, "Why did they do that?"

Love binds people to move towards truth and justice.

Love can bind the wounds of a people too.

Love can sweep away the nightmares in the mind, and restore hope.

Conservative America's last hope is if they can separate truth from lies.

Conservative America if you can hear me, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."





Fear creates false stories.

If you are afraid, you are willing to believe the worse of the thing you are scared of.

It has been going on in the minds of humanity for a very long time.

Entire faiths, entire societies are based upon fear.

Fear of death.

Fear of the stranger.

Fear of new ideas.

Fear of change.

Fear of you.

That's right.

Somebody, somewhere right this very minute is afraid of you.

Of what you represent.

What do you represent?

Are you working for peace between your brother and your sister?

Or do you work against them because you don't trust them?

Or do you fall into the third thing which captures the majority of us which is you do nothing?

Fear will render the most logical person to accept the illogical.

For all of Time, there has arisen out of the emotion of fear a false narrative.

A false story.

A false idea that there is a choice to be made.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

Upon the question of immigration, we are told you must have security first then possibly consideration will be given to why undocumented immigration happens in the first place.

Why can't we do both?

We have adopted an ugly discourse of narrowly believing there is only one way to solve a problem.

We search for a magic silver bullet that we can fire off and finish off the beast.

We want to kill off the thing that makes us worry and work as quickly as possible.

We want a better world without doing any work.

I'll declare that to be a lazy, sluggish way of thinking.

It ignores our reality of life.

Let me put it this way…

When your parent cleaned your bottom, did they do it only once?

Did they say I'll find the best method of cleaning my child's bottom and I'll be done with that!

They cleaned your bottom once and walked away.

They were self-satisfied that they did the job in the best, the most efficient way they knew how and never came back?


Life is about messes and how we do our duty to attend to them.

Messes are renewed on a daily basis.

Your parent didn't have a fear of their duty to love their child.

Your parent saw it as a privilege to care for you.

As it is our privilege to care for each other.

Each of us has an ability no matter how large no matter how small and humble to reach out and care for each other.

We can both walk and talk.

We can both care and have standards.

We can praise and critique.

Fear wants us to believe there is a binary choice between yes and no when, in reality, we all know that the world is gray.

Evil never wants a compromise.

A compromise would mean giving and giving is not what evil is about.

Our duty to each other is never-ending.

Love doesn't stop at the border.

Love doesn't stop at the patient's bedside.

Love doesn't stop at the arrest of a suspect.

Love doesn't stop at the bench before the judge.

Love doesn't stop with the words in our Constitution.

Love asks more.

Love asks you to do all things with a glad heart.

You don't get to choose on the path of love how you can segregate your heart.

The realm of good ideas all has a seat at the table of humanity.

Love demands that we do all of them together.

We do not get to choose.

Love knows we can handle it.

Only fear tells us to choose one.

Life is not like Sophie's Choice.

We are not at the point of a gun to choose the life of one of our children over another.

We do not live in a world of a Paleolithic culture having to decide which child we must sacrifice to the "God's" so that we can have a good crop next year.


The world has moved beyond that cultural, mental restriction of child sacrifice.

Human sacrifice for a hollow safety.

Although some who feed fear want to feed that monster continually.

Blood doesn't have to be spilled for us to realize what is the right thing to do.


We can keep both children.

We can keep all the children.

We can keep your children and mine.

Hasn't the world gone through enough to realize that compassion has a huge hug?

We can do both…

It's not difficult.

It's called love.




Straight up.

The wealthy cannibalize society by hoarding wealth and stealing its dignity.

Through all of recorded time, this has been a fact.

It has never stopped.

It's a fact.

It has never stopped.

Why should it?

The wealthy are a crafty type of parasite for the most part.

They feed off their host to the point of making the host weak.

But the rule for the wealthy is not to bleed the host so much that they die.

In recent centuries the French Revolution is a good point, in fact, demonstrating how the wealthy lost control of their greed.

Centuries of no justice, enslavement, destruction of the common good to enhance the coffers of the wealthy made a lot of ordinary people in France really upset.

So upset that they believed chopping the heads off the wealthy would lead them to a better society.

It got rid of the immediate problem of the local wealthy ignoring the needs of the host they were feeding on, but it wasn't a cure.

Killing is never a cure.

Government sponsored killing, primarily of the non-wealthy, is a part of the cycle of justice put into place by the wealthy so that the larger society never addresses the source of the problems we all face.

People who cannot and will not share.

Some of us may recall the words of the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Or as the wealthy use that same sediment but with a twist, do unto others before they do unto you.

Wealth does a terrible thing to people.

It enhances their character flaws.

If they were a small ass, they would become an enormous ass with a wealth injection.

Sharing is not a trait that we are born with.

It is a fact.

If you are not aware of this, then please look into the current human genome project on how we are all born selfish, Are Babies Born Good by Abigail Tucker, Smithsonian Magazine 2013.

Sharing has to be taught by "caring" people.

Some of us get the lesson while others are naturally predisposed to be resistant to sharing.

While others still may have had bad parents who never took the time to instruct or demonstrate sharing with others outside your immediate family.

Sharing means to give up some of your resources to help another.

On a hostile planet with a rapidly changing environment, resources to keep you alive are critical.

It's sort of obvious why an inborn trait of not sharing would be a universal fact in all of humanity everywhere.

By not sharing the hoarding of resources to self, it allows the individual to survive and pass on its genes.

However, this biological method of survival is antimatter to a society.

Society is all about cohesion, right?

Sticking together?

The rugged individual who is the self-made man who is always winning, the top dog, the alpha male, the wealthy is the complete opposite of what a community stands for.


The wealthy tell the poor we are better than you because we won't share.

So in point of fact, the wealthy are the best at being humans who survive to pass on their genes and their inhumanity.

They survive at the expense, the lives that they destroy.

Is there a cure, is there a way to prevent this cannibalism?

There has been a cure right in front of our faces that have been in competition with those that are self-serving.


Love is the answer.

Love derives from our better angels.

We all have the instinct not to share.

But right there from the very beginning of our lives, a whisper tapped us all on our hearts.

You may or may not have recognized it.

The wealthy shout in our faces to follow their example, to deny each other and our selves to serve them.

Some listen to those callous voices thinking they will be like them one day.

Yet in the quiet spaces of all of our lives, the voice of love asks us to do more.

Love asks not to do one act of love but to do many acts of love at the same time.

Love knows we can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Love knows we can share bread with the lost.

We can heal those who cannot pay us back.

We can protect those that cannot defend themselves.

We can lift the hopeless and hold them in our arms till they feel safe.

We can wipe away the tears.

We can do all that any one of us all in just one day and do it again the next.

Love is stronger and more profound than the instinct of the wealthy not to share.

Love is a code that existed in this universe long before the earth did.

Love is a code as elaborate or as simple as those who want to hide from it versus those who want to walk with it.

Love is wealth that never can be taken away.


Never Done


When we use to own a home, the North side of the house had a problem with peeling paint.

Every summer I had to get the ladder out, scrape the bubbling paint and repaint it.

Each early spring, my father went out to trim the old growth on his fruit trees.

During the previous growing season, the tree would sprout sucker branches which would leach out the strength of the tree and not put that energy into growing fruit.

Some days there never seems to be enough time to complete what we need to do.

That's why there's a tomorrow.

Many tasks take more than one day to accomplish.

Doing a part of the task each day with due diligence will get us to our goal.

In the late 1800s, vitamins were discovered, sort of.

It was realized that some foods made people's health stronger than others, but they didn't know why.

Grand claims were made by health food hucksters of the day that they could cure anything from ingrown toenails to woman's complaint with their mixtures.

People then as now didn't go out of their comfort zone and habits.

It was known that inmates developed a sickness and death from eating just cornbread and nothing else during imprisonment but the authorities didn't know why?

It wasn't until 1912 that Casimir Funk isolated and confirmed the biochemical properties of what he termed Vitamins that the public became aware of their benefits.

It turns out the adage, a man can live on cornbread alone is not valid.

You need a whole range of vitamins to live a healthy life.

Eating cornbread only and water will lead to a gruesome death.

However, knowledge of the right things to eat didn't flip a switch in people's diet.

Society abhors change.

People, on the whole, don't like to expend energy, do they?

For many, there has to be a crisis before they take action.

The house has to be actually on fire before they think about taking the stacked newspapers out.

People have energy at the beginning, but for most that enthusiasm dwindles with time.

They plant an herb garden and come back a few months later to see the weeds have taken over.

Our nation needs to tend to its democracy right now.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. admonished us all that the task of equality and justice for all wasn't going to get done in a day.

We each have our part to do.

The forces we fight will not give up.

Evil is not lazy.

Bigotry doesn't take the day off.

Racism feeds upon ignorance every day.

Injustice sprints ahead of the common good.

The weeds of intolerance grow in the fertile soil of anger and hopelessness.

Our challenge is not to succumb to apathy.


If you've never picked an acre of beans, at the start, the task seems long hot and daunting.

The sun beats you down and stings your eyes.

The fly bites your ankles and the blood flows.

You take a break, but that nagging feeling grows telling you to get up and get it done.

While you're working, a friend stops by and lends a hand.

The neighbor next door sees you working and brings you a drink of cold water.

That neighbor joins in, then the guy across the way brings a sandwich and helps with the picking too.

A community has come together of brother's and sisters, young and old, rich and poor all joining hands and hearts to share in the work.

To share in the riches.

To share in the love.

To share the burden of the task.

A human thing.

We will get there together, all of us one day.

Love has always been stronger than hate.

Always and in all ways.



Hear That?


In the night where the street lights buzz.

The smell of cooking still lingers.

A sharp word yelled through broken walls.

A slap.

A body hits the wall.


Hear that?

Saturday night the lights of the city are a blur.

Running from a ghost a memory.

Fear propels relief into the vein.

Fear turns eyes away from truth.

Funny how the world doesn't fit into the story told.

A hollow cry for help.

Hear that?

There are sounds we want to hear.

The comfort of a familiar song.

The beat of rain up on the roof.

The thrill of children who are about to eat.

The words that tell us that we are wanted.

The abiding of love.

Hear that?

You and I can hear it.

How is it that so many can't?

What has happened to make pain invisible?

What story is more important to protect that it allows suffering?

Why are peace and prosperity only for a privileged few?

How can so many hope for so little for so many?

Hear that?

It's a sound that this President has never heard.

It's a beat that puts fear in the corrupt.

It's a solo voiced by knights of this republic that makes Evil run.

It's a chorus sung by the old, the young, the weak, the poor, the sick, the forgotten, the majority, by we the people.

It's the sound of justice coming right quick.

Hear that?





How has your winter been this year?

We are all in the middle of this time of the season.

Snow, rain, cold, dark skies.

Makes you want to stay inside and to find that thing that comforts you.

Hot chocolate does it for some.

For others, mac & cheese, maybe a crackling fire, a favorite book to read, some heartwarming music.

We all know that this season will pass and we know ahead of us lies the Spring.

We will change our garments to shake off the warm clothes and welcome the return of the sun.

Life comes in cycles which have been recognized by all peoples the world over.

What if a group of people didn't want the Spring to come?

What if this group of people wanted it to be winter all year long?

What would you ask these people why they want it to be winter all the time?

What would you do?


Character is a lost word in our 21st-century society.

For many, it is defined by the celebrity.

Character is recognized as the person who stands out from the crowd.

Character defined as the remarkable individual.

That's one definition, but it is not the origin of what the word Character means.

To have Character the individual lives by a set of moral principles recognized and defined by the society at large.

A real way to know if a person has Character is when adversity strikes.

You lose your job, what do you do?

Do you immediately take drugs and alcohol and soon die from an opioid overdose?

That person has no character.

Your wife dies you leaving you penniless.

Do you rob a bank to get back the money you believe you are owed?

That person has no character.

A woman is going through a lousy divorce do you hit on her for sex?

That person has no character.

A person with Character will not sit idly by when presented by adversity.

A person with Character will not turn their backs when injustice strikes.

A person with Character can be anyone big or small, young or old, wealthy or poor.

It is not just one definition of Character that can respond to injustice.

We celebrate the differences.

Each and everyone has a responsibility, a privilege to stand against injustice.

There are those without Character who seek to profit from adversity.

They sow seeds of fear, of anger, of myth.

Their gratification is in creating as much turmoil as they can.

They enjoy spreading the darkness, the cold of an eternal winter of the soul.

Hold up in a cave of white stone they blow ill winds of deceit.

However, you want to know something.

They're just some old silly bear afraid of the change of season.

Their eyes strain at the brightness at the newness of the world to come.

No matter how much they may growl and howl and grit their teeth, they can't stop the Spring from coming.

They can't stop justice and equality for all.


Why because the universe itself bends towards justice.

No old bear in the White House can stop or will ever stop the rollout of justice.


– I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their Character.

– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

