
True Believers

Racism is a religious movement.

Racism has no room for compromise.

This is why we stand and fight this enemy of humanity.

I was raised by racists.

My extended family growing up, were racists.

Family friends were all racists.

They ranged from the card-carrying openly hostile bigot to the meek and mild, “Go along to get along” varieties.

I am well versed in the lore, the belief, the practice of racists.

What they say openly to each other and what they say in private at the birthday party.

At the picnic.

At the seasonal Christmas gathering.

Racism is a religion.

It is born of religion.

Inherent in religion is the foundation of the believer versus those who do not believe.

It is there in black and white transcribed for all to see.

It’s challenging to introduce facts to those who only need to believe.

The fact that Jesus was a Jew.

His parents were Jews.

His followers were Jews.

The initial religious group was two Jewish cults that fought each other in a "true believer's" Thunder Dome.

Two cults enter only one cult emerged.

It can be reasoned that of all the world's beliefs, the Jewish faith and the Christian cult that was born out of it inherited an absolutist view of the world.

One God, one faith in opposition to a pantheon of deities and cultural traditions.

There can only be one God.

There can only be one people.

In a twist of irony, White Europeans believed they were the chosen people of the Christian God.

Somehow they didn’t comprehend that the Jewish book of faith they retconned was about the journey of the Jewish people’s faith.

The early Christians and to this day Christians maintain that the chosen people of God are people of the White race.

God has to be white because that’s how he's painted on the ceiling of the Vatican, right?

To tamper with the ordained order of the universe is to put yourself ahead of God almighty.

You have to be a Communist to believe that all people are equal.

There is no room for compromise.

So it is written, so it is so.

These believers in white supremacy cannot in good faith with their God allow for any deviation allowing Whites to be second class.

Again in a crazy piece of human irony, the white racist has pitted their minority world against the demographic of the whole world.

I still can’t understand how a minority population convinced themselves that they are superior to the rest of the world?

They still tell themselves this every day.

This is why we, the majority who stand for justice, who stand for freedom, who stand for what is right, are in a battle with this enemy of humanity.

Racists are like rocks in the stream of life.

They will not move.

They will not change.

Only the flow of life will eventually wear them away to sand.

We cannot and should not allow a group of people who do not want to join life to dictate how life should be.

Birds don’t wait for someone to allow them to fly.

We can’t wait for racists to allow us to be free.

There can be no negotiation with evil.



What Is Myth?


Myth is a corruption of truth.

Simply, lies that we believe which give us comfort from reality.

Need it put more plainly?

Myth is fairytales we believe are true.

With the added benefit that our fairytale is true and everyone else’s fairytale is a lie.

Myth is a large umbrella that shelters many a human belief.

Under the umbrella of myth, you will find, yes, all the religions of the world.

Both past and present.

But you will also find under that shelter of self-delusion prejudice.

You will find racism, entitlement, apartheid, segregation, urban legend, intellectualism, science deniers, liberals, conservatives, family, and friends all seeking shelter under the umbrella of myth.

You will even find yourself.

The umbrella of myth is a human invention.

It was not given to us mystically.

We created it for a specific reason.


Fear of the unknown.

Myth gives us a reason why bad things happen.

Myth tries to remove the random nature of the universe.

Our greatest fear is death.

Consequently, the greatest story we ever made up to tell ourselves are those stories about life after death.

Those stories give us comfort from the inevitable termination of our existence.

If we believe in them, we get a coupon to “live after we die for free.”

It’s obvious why we created such stories.

Fear is the motivation behind all myths.

An example is the fear of the stranger, which motivates racism.

The endless storytelling occurs worldwide and in our homes, businesses, and places of worship.

Those people are not like us; they don’t believe like we do, we’re better.

There is a common theme underlying all the fear that shelters under the umbrella of myth.

That common theme is self.


I am good, everyone else is bad, I deserve everything I want, I don’t care who I harm to get what belongs to me.


Selfishness shelters under the belief that it is good to sacrifice the lives and well-being of the other to keep intact the myth.

At all costs.

The sacrifice of family, friends, happiness, but most of all truth, truth is the first and most important thing to destroy to maintain our personal delusions.

Fear will always be with us.

There is only one power in this universe that has the ability to overcome it.


Love lifts the chokehold of fear so we can see the world as it is and not through our personal expectations.

Love will allow you to see the need in the world, hear the cry for peace, and feel the urgency of now.

Love makes clear that today is the day we do right, not after we’re dead.

Love is the only power that can drive back the night terrors of fear and allows us to live together as we should, not as we imagine.


DFrey aka Toby

Why I'm Not Grateful


Is the ocean grateful that the river runs into it?

Is the sky grateful for another cloud?

Is a lion grateful for the hunt?

Are you grateful to be able to vote?

What does it mean to be grateful?

To be grateful implies something was given to us.

Something that was not expected.

Something that we could not achieve on our own.

Something that goes beyond our expectations.

Is the bird grateful it can fly?


It flies because it can.

It is expected.

It doesn’t owe anyone or anything for its rightful ability to take flight.

It’s what it does.

As humans, we should expect to be fed, have shelter, safety, justice, freedom, love.

These rights of life are not given.

These rights are part of the expectation of life.

Our rights as humans.

To be grateful implies these rights are given to us.

By who?

Show them to us!

This is the argument stated in the Declaration of Independence of why our founding fathers were not “grateful” to the King of England.

Since the foundations of civilization, men have corruptly manipulated the weak.

The most insidious is the evil that men do to the minds of the innocent.

The most hateful is the idea that we should be grateful to them.

Grateful that we are allowed to exist.

That’s the implication that is being driven home.

By whom?

By white racist men in the white racist world, in white racist pulpits, in white racist places of power.

They are not giving; they are selling.

They want us all to be grateful to them forever.

They want us to owe them for allowing us to exist.

They want us to be on credit until they say we are paid up.

They want us to be grateful that they allow us to have our sustenance, shelter, safety, justice, freedom, and even our love.

There is no end to this mortgage of suffering.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful for the air I breathe.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful I’m allowed justice.

I get fired up when I’m asked to be grateful I’m allowed to live.

If you want me to be grateful, give me something I don’t have on my own.

Give me an equal opportunity to work.

Give me financial credit.

Give me the freedom of the vote.

Give me respect.

See me.



The Deep

What do you see?

What do you know?

What do you believe?

The surface tells you nothing about what takes place below.

When you live on the surface, the tides are out of your control.

When you fight against the current, you know not what you are up against.

The belief in peace can not equal the faith in the war that has gone on for over two thousand years.

The conflict is in the origin of faith they both love.

Who owns exclusive rights to be seated in the place of honor at the table?

The belief, there can only be one.

Deep water.

To those who live deep under the surface, what takes place up top has nothing to do with their reality.

No matter how much the winds of change may blow, the people of the deep are not moved.

They are insulated from critique.

The people on both sides have chained themselves to an ideology that says they are special. They are the chosen. They will rule over their enemies in life and after death.

They are in love with their conflict.

It fills them with purpose.

It feeds their prejudice.

How do you find a compromise between two opposing people who believe the total destruction of their opposition is required so they may live?

The thousands of children on both sides that have died have not moved them.

The destruction of their community on both sides has not moved them.

The thousands upon thousands who have died on both sides are ignored.

Only the surface of the conflict has ever been addressed.

The window dressings, the easily understood issues, the things that can be whined about without touching the elephant at the bottom of the ocean.

Ther thing that continues this conflict that has not been addressed?

The thing there in the deep waters that brings fear to the peacemakers?

Something so profound that if talked about would shake the foundations of society?

That which shall not be named.


Religion and its structure are at the core.

Either one is right, the other wrong, or both sides are wrong depending upon your own belief.

And there's the rub.

The three religions of the West all claim the same spot on earth as their's and their's alone.

There has never within these three groups been any room for compromise.

King of the hill or ruler of nothing.

Like blind fish in the deep, the faithful follow the voices of hate.

There can be no compromise with those that oppose us as being rulers of humanity.

It's written in the holy books of all three faiths.

The problem is now defined, so what do we do?

We send a message of hope.

We let the people of the deep know that life is possible on the land.

It's a different life than what they have known, but it is life.

We must ask them as many times as needed to understand we share this world with them.

The people on the land and the people of the deep can live together.

There can be peace only if those who live in the deep want it as much as those on the land.



No Justice No Peace


A universal truth, for every action, there is a reaction.

If there is no reaction, then the action never happened.

You overdraft your bank account.

The bank fines you for your error.

You drive through a stop sign.

The police give you a ticket.

You forgot to buy bread.

You're eating cold cuts with no bread.

For every action, there is a reaction.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

What does that mean?

It means cause and effect.

It means the poor, the minority, the old, the forgotten, the people on the margins who live this universal truth.

When crimes, inhumanity, intolerance, bigotry, racism are poured out on these groups, nothing traditionally happens.

A black man is shot and killed in the street, and seven years later, the officer who shot them is let go.

Nothing happened.

The black man is still dead.

The man who shot him doesn't lose his job; he's moved to another town.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

We have all seen the videos of the insurrection enacted against our capitol, our congress, our senate, and it's employees.

They not only destroyed property through smashing and breaking, but they also filmed their crimes as they ransacked, urinated, and defecated.

They did this in the people's house.

So you're telling me if a group of people broke into your house, smashed up the place, urinated and defecated everywhere, and left a note saying die bitch, you're okay not arresting the culprits?

You're okay with doing nothing?

As if nothing happened…


No justice, no peace.

Bullies do not respond to time outs.

Bullies do not care about your feelings.

Bullies only think about themselves.

Bullies respond only to one thing and one thing only.


Without a response to their actions, bullies will do their bullying again, and next time it will be worse.

No matter how hard it is, the bully must be faced and stopped.

Just ask those that appeased bullies in the past what monsters were unleashed when nothing was done?

It's strange how the evil side of mankind believes it can get its way until it can't.

Then the darker angels of humanity howl like spanked children declaring you punished me.

You stopped me.

You angered me.

The bully is only stopped when we seek justice over me.

Justice comes right quick.

Let it come.

Let us bring it for the right purpose.

Justice renews hope in those that despair.

Justice lifts the minds and hearts of the lost.

Justice now, justice now.

Justice now.





You can't save a drowning person if they believe they can swim.

A person's confidence in their belief provides a protection from self-doubt.

The enemy of any belief is doubt.

This is why belief is fortified through a structure of rituals.

You daily repeat a ritual to remind yourself of your commitment to your belief.

Any doubt means you have slipped up.

You left the belief; the belief did not leave you.

A daily affirmation, a daily repeating of sacred words, enshrines the structure of belief in your daily ritual.

Consequently, generally speaking, most beliefs do not lose any followers.

They live, worship, and believe within the protection of like-minded practitioners.

Racism is a belief.

Racism is a belief.

People live, worship, and believe alongside of their fellow practitioners that the white race is solely responsible for the history of this world.

Racism does not lose many followers.

Racists daily use words of discrimination against the race, gender, sexual orientation that they know are not as important as they are.

The believers in white apartheid have no doubt in their correctness.

Their faith has been given to them by their Bible, which is the word of God.

God created Adam, and he was white.

Racist's belief tells them that the Bible is the story of the white race fighting against the forces of evil led by dark-skinned people.

They have no doubt.

You can't save a racist when they know that white equals power.

There is no doubt.

For centuries upon centuries, racism has been fed and grown in wealthy homes and poor.

It is a structure that gives comfort against the harsh realities of life.

Some of us liberals believe we can rescue the racist.

But like a person drowning in a river, if the lifeguard is not careful, they too will be pulled down to the bottom and die.

Racists can't hear us call them back to shore.

Racists can't see that too many people have died.

Racists feel it in their hearts and minds that they are right and we are wrong.

Half this country voted for racism in November of 2020.

Half this country voted for the protection of the Confederacy.

Half this country voted for the separation of immigrant children from their asylum-seeking families.

Half of this country voted for the discrimination against women and gays.

They don't want to be rescued because their water is fine.

They see no danger.

They don't see the dark water rising.

They don't feel the riptide pulling them down.

You can't tell a person they're wrong when they believe they are right.

Racism is a belief.

These senators, congresspeople are defending the white power structure in America.

They are willing to burn the Constitution to keep that structure in place.

This is what we who believe in the Constitution's heart are standing against.

We truly believe in the words that all people are created equal.

So what do we do?

We listen to wise words on how to travel together to the beloved community.

We resist evil.

We make friends across the divide.

We defeat injustice that makes victims of both the target and the actor.

We suffer hate with dignity and grace.

We love, not hate.

We know that the universe bends towards justice every time.

Every time.

That's what we will do.



Masks of Hate


Slave Masters.

The Church.

The Klan.

The Anarchists.

The Nihilists.

The Fascists.

The Neo-Nazis.

The Skinheads.

The White Supremacist.

The Proud Boys.

The Boogaloo.

Pepe the Frog.


The history of the masks of hate.

The masks of hate people wear.

People, yes, people wear these masks for a reason they believe in.

People wear masks of hate to cover their fear.

A fear planted into their spirits by people they trusted.

A fear of a world they do not want to see come into existence.

People fear a world where everyone is equal.

Because in an authentic sense of fear, equality means personal responsibility.

If everyone is equal, there is no one to blame when things go wrong except for yourself.

When life doesn't turn out the way you expect it, who is to blame?

Whole societies, whole industries, whole religions base their existence on blaming the other.

The other guy, the other stranger, the other foreigner, the other unrighteous.


A person, a people, to blame for why we don't have nice things.

I certainly can't be to blame because God is on my side.

My friends believe the same way; we can't be wrong.

My parents wouldn't lie to me.

And who maintains these masks of hate?

Who have built empires of wealth on the destruction caused by these masks?

People with wealth and power.

Ever try to take a bone away from a hungry dog?

A hungry dog will bite your hand.

It will let you die so it can have just one last chew on its bone.

It won't listen to reason.

It's only concern is the bone belongs to it.

The bone is believed to be the dog's only means of survival.

If the dog hasn't learned how to share, trying to take a bone away from it will bloody your hand.

People wear all kinds of masks.

The mask of hate covers the fear of reprisal.

That certain future that is coming, we all can see it now.

A brotherhood of man where blacks and whites live together.

They judge each other by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

People have a fear of this future becoming real.

They imagine the same horrors that they allowed to happen to black and brown people to be reciprocated.

They are fighting for a false way of life.

Just like that dog fighting for that last piece of gristle on a bone.

So as we prepare to vote out the White House's chief hater, keep in mind the prize.

A world where children are no longer taught to wear masks.

A world where children can be who they are.

Free, living in truth and justice for all.





Racism is a belief.

It is founded on a biblical principle in Western society.

More specifically, in the evangelical interpretation of what the followers believe is the divine word of God.

The Old Testament, taken from the Jewish faith, the Torah, was Christianized to be believed to be infallible.

It is the literal truth.

So Yahweh, God, laid down the rules to Bronze Age society and mandated their truth.

Everything a place and a place for everything.

Each person is born into a set of circumstances that God has prescribed for their life.

To wish for and to want anything better for your life is a sin against the will of God.

A poor person wanting to have money.


A woman wanting not to be beaten by her husband.


A slave wanting freedom.


To change your life is to change the will of God, which is a sin.

We are not to want more than what we are given.

This is why in the Charles Dickens tale of Oliver Twist, when the orphan boy Oliver asks for more gruel, he is seen as a sinner.

He is depraved, going against the will of God.

No matter if he is hungry, starving, wanting more than where God has put you is evil.

Racism is a belief.

To paraphrase Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the most racist hour in America is that hour in church every Sunday.

The second most racist time is the hour that proceeds in Sunday school. 

I was raised Evangelical, a Quaker.

I can affirm what Dr. King has said.

The tenants, the foundations of racism, are taught in our places of protestant, evangelical houses of worship to the faithful as the foundation of society.

More than once, I listened to the following tale from the pew.

Noah built a boat.

He and all the animals, including his family, his sons, and their wives, rode out the storm.

When the land was dry, Noah was thirsty and decided to make wine.

He planted the seeds, grew the grapes, made himself some new wine, got drunk, and passed out.

While he was passed out, his sons performed some unnatural acts upon the sleeping Noah.

God got upset.

He visited a curse upon the three sons of Noah.

Upon Ham, he cursed him with being black.

That's why we have black people today.

Their blackness is an outward sign of their inherited sin.

That is why black people as lesser in the eyes of God than white people.

Do you understand the problem?

Racism is a belief.

Whtie religious people are defending their faith in God and the order of the universe when they are standing up for racism.

To present any kind of rational argument before a racist is useless.

Have you ever tried to get someone to give up their religion?

Give up drinking drugs?

Unless they see their problem, it's impossible to elicit a change in mind and heart.

Once a person is a racist, their fate is set in granite tablets.

Like weeds in a garden, racists will always be with us.

But we don't have to let the weeds take over the garden of humanity.

We can keep racism in check.

We, the people, have that ability.

That power.

Because together, we are stronger than any Bronze Age story.

Together we have the power to demonstrate a better way of life.

A life where harmony makes the very stones sing.

As night is as to day, the light of justice, of freedom for all must rule our lives.

There is a kind of philosophical idea that we need opposites to understand what is right.

The beauty of life is to see the wonder, the miracle of the diversity of humanity.

All wanting the same things.

Life, liberty, freedom, and love.

Love asks more, never less.

Add love, find hope.





The media has a collective cognitive disorder.

The media reports news and then forgets what information they say.

When the Pandemic first struck America, all news sources put up CDC charts of potential total number of deaths over time.

Does anyone remember those charts?

When you looked past a year, those numbers mounted up to 500,000 to a million dead.

Every day you can hear the media wince about why this President acts the way he does.

They seem to forget they tell us one week he's a sociopath malignant narcissist liar, and the next week it's totally ignored.

Why does he keep lying?

I'll acknowledge that the media is providing a service.

Not everyone is up to date on every turn of current events.

Like those that enter a public building today have to be reminded there is a plague killing a thousand plus people every day, and they need to wear a mask.

Some people, very human, may not realize it's still killing people.

They have to be reminded.

So the news purveyors do a rehashing a gentle reminder to their consumers of what was on the previous day's menu.

Yet the media forgets what they say as soon as they say it.

The biggest one in the past year, which continues every day, is what the media said about the mortality rates for black and brown people.

After the first two months, studies of mortalities rates demonstrated that black and brown people were more adversely affected by COVID.

Black and brown people died more often than white people.

It was said over and over and over again.

Then by June, we start to get a set of silly questions out of our news hosts.

Why are the President's supporters not wearing masks?

Why is the President saying you don't have to wear a mask?

Why are the President's rallies requiring attendees not to wear a mask?

These questions require a memory.

The news hosts told America that black and brown people die at a higher rate than white people.

These questions require deductive reasoning.

Conservative America posting to each other over social media shared this scientific data that COVID kills blacks.

The news hosts ask, why are people not wearing a mask?

The answer is racism.

The second the news media said blacks die at a higher rate than whites from COVID was the second that white apartheid America took off their masks.

It is why white racist America will not put their masks back on.

A side note, that's 37% - 40% of Americans, which is the current President's base.

COVID became a plague that kills them, not us.

This lack of cognition is genuinely an all too human response.

Did you know that McDonald's has a new breakfast sandwich?

Did you see that rat running away with a slice of pizza today?

Did you know we landed on the moon?

Humans take in information at all speeds.

Instantly and not at all.

News organizations report the news they don't necessarily understand what they are saying.

They speak before they think.

They drill into the middle of a story and are proud of the hole they made.

But they all seem to have a problem with the bigger picture.

If problems could be solved by throwing a switch, it would have been done long ago.

No, problems in any society are an ugly mixed meat sandwich.

Everyone in their camp thinking they got the best sandwich.

Each camp willing to go to war over the selection of condiments.

What we all need is a bridge of information.

A conduit of truth.

A concierge of just the facts.

Some good people keeping track, making connections, doing the work of analysis of the facts.

The leaping from headline to headline will make a nation weary.

The wind will always be with us…

It is up to each of us and together to lean into that wind to get truth.

Listen more.

Serve we, the people.




The Dark Waters Roll


This a moral check-up…

How are you doing?

We all find ourselves being asked what our response to injustice is.

Not too long ago on the arc of moral awakening…

We didn't know what we were doing…

When we were pushing for an answer, we didn't want.

Because to ask the question meant to answer a long-standing cancer on the American soul.

First, we elected an immoral President.

He broke the dam, and all the dark waters that our nation has hidden from consciousness have flooded back into everyone's lives.

Reminding us of the dirt on our souls cannot be hidden forever.

This first monster of our own creation was unleashed.

Brown children in cages to destroy the American dream of freedom.

Our legislature House and Senate turn their backs on executive corruption so that they can pack the courts to end women's right to privacy.

Promises of a return to an all-white America where jobs are aplenty, the money piled high, and all that equality BS buried…


The conservative, less government, fiscally responsible, Constitutional purist Republican Party led over a cliff by a sociopathic, day trading, pied piper.

Our intelligence services mocked and admonitions of collusion with America's enemies ignored.

Everyone can be bought.

Our President betrays his oath to the Constitution and is impeached.

Yet our courage to stand for justice ran away and hid behind indifference to truth for political gain. 

This President was not removed.

The dark waters roll…

A plague is unleashed.

One person's nightmare is another person's lunch.

The virus, like the American President, doesn't know what empathy is.

The virus rolls across the world, piling bodies with a casual efficiency.

As it makes its way across America, us became them.

Prejudice feeds upon lies that support its belief.

The virus is only a problem for the old, the brown, the black, not white male America.

Magical thinking believes that a death toll of 100,000 is the limit and can't, it wouldn't go higher.

Can it?

The bodies pile up.

The dark waters roll…

George Floyd is killed by four Minneapolis Police officers in full view, fully recorded.

The third leg of this American sickness steps down onto our necks.

We are told we didn't see what we saw.

The third monster is unleashed.

The original sin.

The hole in the head, the heart, of the Great American Experiment.


Mr. Floyd had no idea that day when he woke up that he was going to light a nation's sense of justice a fire.

Like so many hero's, he was at the wrong place at the right time.

His life was stolen from him.

Those that murdered him did not understand what they were doing.

They lit the watch-fires of our democracy.

From hill to hill.

From the valley to the plain.

From mountain top to ocean, the call went out that our democracy is in danger.

No person's life is in vain.

George Floyd made a difference in the world.

I wonder what he's thinking about as the world stands up in his name calling for justice?

The dark waters roll…

The flood has not abated.

We are afloat you and I in this uncertain place and time.

I want to give you hope.

For the first time, it looks like there is enough of us to row this lifeboat to that blessed shore.

The world hears our cry, "I can't breathe."

We can row this boat ashore.

Our captain is justice.

This dark tide will yell and scream, but it can't stop the journey of the light.

We can all bring justice once and for all.

For all.

We will answer that question posed over 200 years ago.

For once in its entire history, will the many become one?



The waters part and in the middle walk a free people under the light of justice.





Steve Martin said once that it was impossible to put a Cadillac up your nose.

There are impossibilities.

You can't build a stairway to the moon.

There is no way to stop time.

I will never be an Olympic athlete.

Impossibilities are limits.

Limits define the extent of expectations.

Humanity has and continues to impose limits on itself.

What it believes to be impossible.

We can't provide housing for free.

We can't educate those people.

We can't feed you unless you work for it.

We can't provide for your safety because that would limit our access to guns.

The Constitution can't be changed.

You are not equal to me.

Those people are lazy.

I'm a winner you're a loser.

A good portion of humanity believes that the world is set in stone.

Or it should be.

Belief in the power of the impossible means shelter from reality for too many of us.

If equal rights are impossible, why even try?

If the 2nd Amendment can't be changed, just shut up and bury the dead.

If a President won't sign a bill, why would we want to talk about that?

Belief in the impossible allows the shallow-minded evil of low expectations and high personal interest to hide behind a straw man.

It is the foundation of nihilism.

Nihilism rejects the value of your life and mine.

It is the Bible from which the sociopath preaches.

Incidentally, that's a bit of irony because the nihilist rejects all religious and moral principles.

From its conception, the idea of nihilism was created as an intellectual canard.

It is a dull instrument used to smash the ties that bind humanity together.

Like a plow forced into the solid ground of society, it turns over the soil of compassion and destroys trust.

Nihilism is the acid that is thrown onto hope.

Nihilism is the friend of the tyrant.

That tyrant is only limited by their access to power.

Not all of us know a dictator personally, but we do have a relative or friend who believes in the impossible.

Isn't there always someone who says that's impossible, why would you bother, don't waste your time, you can't do that?

Why do these people in our lives want to set a limit on the possible?

Who are they?

What is it they want?

They want you and me to live in fear.

They are your brother and sister, your friend, your parent, your relative, your pastor, priest, Rabi, police, congressman, senator, President.

Fear is used by tyrants to manage expectations.

Fear is used to keep the possible from happening.

There are a lot of people selling fear these days, isn't there?

There are a lot of people throwing a rope around expectations and trying to pull it back in.

Trying to keep things from changing.

They can feel the world tipping up onto its side and all the pieces on the chessboard of life falling out of place.

They the tyrant, the nihilist, those that believe in the impossible don't like the world we who believe in the impossible are working to make a reality.

They don't want to share a lunch counter with a person with brown skin.

They don't want to buy a cake from a Gay baker.

They don't want strangers coming to their country.

They don't want you to have a home and a hot meal.

Their god told them that the world was only for them and not for all of us.

We're upsetting the apple cart.

We need to sit down because we're rocking the boat of expectations.

Some of these people are so angry they will kill us because of our belief in the possible.

Their belief in fear is that deep.

Their oneness with hate knows no limit.

Can the ocean keep from rushing to the shore, it's just impossible.

Can you keep justice for all from falling down upon our nation, it's just impossible.

Can you stop the brotherhood of man from filling our hearts with hope, it's just impossible.

That sound you hear in our country that echos down that street where a guy is being beat.

That sound you hear when voices shout for the re-establishment of our democracy.

That sound you hear as feet march for our human right to exist free from fear.

We are the ones to take up the challenge to make the impossible possible.

Don't say no say yes I can.

Do right.



Season of Cruelty


Baseball for the year 2019 draws to a close.

Summer thinks about hanging on all year round.

Grandma isn't able to get out of the house anymore.

A political party gives up being for all Americans.

The season of cruelty continues.

Human families come to our nation's door seeking comfort are separated and abused.

A natural disaster.

Wealth intended to give relief from despair is diverted to build a wall to stop the future at our border.

The same hate marches in the street of the big city and also through the living room of the country house.

The sexual abuse of women and children is a protected lifestyle of the rich.

The poor are given poisoned water.

The season of cruelty continues.

Elected men and women worry more about their position than to hold accountable those who spit on our Constitution.

The elected officials enable the purveyors of cruelty to rip and rend our society.

Media spokespeople for the current President tell us there is only one truth, and that is in the mind of the leader.

Children in America are locked in cages.

Children in America are taken from their hospital beds and deported.

Children in America are shot to death in their classrooms.

Promises of pardons are given to the loyal tigers which stalk the streets of America who rend the hope of the people.

The Chosen One tells us he's loved better than Jesus.

The season of cruelty continues.

The President tells us everything he says is a joke.

The season of cruelty continues.

Every season has its end.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, even the worse tyrant will someday die.

They will go away.

However, for those living under the rule of the tyrant, the season will be cruel.

Seasons are soft lessons for hard heads.

For those that forget easily.

Seasons don't yell at first.

Seasons don't come in with a bang.

Seasons come in when a society opens its door.

What can wander through the door and into the hearts and minds of a people could be good or bad.

Like the ocean tide, today, a cruel wave washes across America.

It has been a rising tide of hate.

A tide filled with ignorance.

A tide awash with selfishness.

A tide that has washed away moorings of humanity and compassion.

Those that thought their world was build upon a higher ground have fallen into despair.

The same hate that generations fought and died fighting against still lies at the bedrock of our American experience.

Seasons teach lessons.

When winter comes, when the world becomes cold and hard, if sustenance has not been laid away, the season will be cruel.

However, a lesson should be learned.

That before the change of season comes again you must work hard to prepare.

This season of cruelty we are living through is here to teach us a lesson.

The lesson is that hate and ignorance will always be with us.

A nation, a society must prepare, must learn that the fight doesn't end for justice.

Again like the tide, it rises and falls with the season.

This tyrant will not be in power forever.

But there will undoubtedly be others like him.

There will undoubtedly be followers of hate ready to support cruelty.

We as defenders of the faith, defenders of the Constitution, defenders of the truth of freedom and justice for all must do the good work.

We must faithfully do right.

Not just for ourselves but for the generations to come who will also have to pick up where we left off.

When this season ends, there will most certainly be another one coming.

Lest we forget.

Lest we forget our brothers and sisters.

Those that are within and outside of our borders who believe in the same hope for which this nation was founded.


Join hands, join hearts, join minds together to build not a wall of hate but a bridge of love.

It is the reason for the season.



Lost on Purpose


An old pair of shoes left behind.

A broken umbrella put under a bench.

Chewed gum stuck on a pole.

We've all left things behind on purpose because they no longer served us.

We left things behind because we wanted to.

It wasn't by accident that we left our clothes on the floor.

We did it on purpose because we were too tired or just plain lazy to do the right thing and put them in the laundry.

We all have left things behind, but what about people?

That sibling who couldn't keep their nose out of our business.

The co-worker who is always talking about how great their family is.

The clerk at the grocery store because they ask how we are feeling.

People can be left behind too.

We leave them on purpose.

They have become an annoyance, to be avoided.

The spouse who we once loved now we can't stand.

We go to court and have the legal system divorce us from our emotions.

We use institutions of varying sizes to mitigate our responsibilities.

Our religions keep us separate from those who don't believe like us.

Our commerce organizations segregate us to only do business with those like us.

Political charities we give our support and money to fight to keep alliances from forming.

The communities in which we live are there to keep in those like us and keep out those not like us.

And our police force for our communities is there to serve and protect yet discriminate who can enter.

Lost on purpose.

There are those among us who have lost their humanity on purpose.

They desire the world at the expense of their own soul.

They protect their right to kill who they want when they want without regard to who they make afraid.

A belief that strength at any cost is right.

They have freely given away their humanity to gain freedom of responsibility to their fellow man.

They hate you and me.

We represent the other.

The taker.

They only see limitations.

A limit to wealth, to prosperity, to food, to shelter, to compassion.

Their compassion extends only to the length of their own fingertips.

Have you ever tried to make someone give up their religion?

The person who has left their humanity behind on purpose is not going to be persuaded to pick it up again.

They have made a life choice.

No argument is going to make them turn their eyes and look at you or me with love.

They only see us as so much dirt beneath their feet to step on and over.

Again, when was the last time you went back to the trash pile where you left those old shoes 25 years ago and retrieved them?

People who have left their humanity behind are not searching for it.

They're are happy hating.

Our President is happy helping them hate.

Hate has brought him power.

Hate has delivered him respect.

Hate fills his bank accounts with wealth.

Why would he stop hating certainly not for you and me?

He and his re-election campaign are banking on hate.

The Republican Party continues to bank on hate.

Ever since they welcomed the Southern Strategy, which was a free lunch given to all those segregationists and racists who left the Democratic Party after the civil rights movement broke the back of that party.

The racists joined into common cause with the business conservatives of the GOP who they courted and danced with in their discrimination of brown people and women.

They have a belief that there are more haters in our Republic than soft-hearted, soft-headed people.

Conservatives have had this bone they've been chewing on for the past 100 years or more believing that America has been waiting for its great hate awakening.

A belief that we all hate we just don't realize it and we need to let it go.

The belief that America is conservative, not liberal.

Conservative America can't believe that brown people, woman, and gays are equal to a white man.

It is remarkable how self-fulfilling the world view is of conservatives and hate.

The darkness they have created for themselves and their adoption of this world view of hating the other blinds them to the light of love.

Because of it, they can't see the writing on the wall.

The sack they wear on their heads rebreathing the same old tired air.

They can't hear the voices in the street.

They only recognize their own closed-minded communities of hate and mistake violence for the inevitability of what they see as a just cause.

Through strength, they are right.

They can't hear someone like me say that sentiment is pure evil.

That sentiment is the sword on which so many warriors for love have fought against.

It is the monster that tears apart nations, communities, families, and individuals.

So certain is darkness of the outcome of this battle with love.

The darkness of the soul has a very short memory.

Since its only interest is self, it doesn't recognize outcomes.

It doesn't realize the motivation created by one child crying.

It doesn't realize the feet it puts in the street with each mass shooting.

It doesn't see what the death of one brown person can do to the outcome in the voting booth.

It doesn't hear the chant…

Do something.

We are not afraid.

We shall over come…







Carpets have a fringe.

A fancy decorative edge.

A flash, a glint there to catch the eye.

The broad weave of the carpet the dull, boring part in the middle is usually not as attractive as the golden edge.

The center of the carpet is where you stand.

The fringe has an appeal in the beginning.

Look what I have bought into.

But it soon gets old.

You walk into your room, and the fringe trips you up.

What was once a feature is now a distraction.

It catches the dirt.

You can't get it clean.

Its only purpose was to draw attention.

Maybe I spent too much?

The broad weave of the carpet does the real work.

It keeps your feet warm when you walk across the hard cold floor.

The fringe can't do that.

Now the fringe has tripped you up once too often.

It's time to trim the fringe back.

Maybe cut it off entirely.

Once free of the fringe your carpet has a new life.

It no longer serves two purposes.

It can fulfill its reason why you bought it in the first place.

It can do the real work.


Political movements.

Movements have their fancy edges also.

They throw out flashy objects into social media to draw attention.

They stir the pot, get people talking.

But do they put feet into motion?

When the world is cold and hard, are they there to give comfort and compassion?

Or do they only think of themselves?

Often the political fringe will trip up a given society.

Will cause self-destruction of the individual.

The political and social fringe can draw attention, but when it comes down to doing the real work, they trip up the body.

Fringes, political, and social fringes are out only for themselves.

Like the social media poster who sets out a sympathy trap, they bait for clicks only to raise their following number.

They're not there for the children.

They're not there for the person who has done there time and needs a job.

They're not there for those who have lost the people they love through addiction.

They're not there to feed the poor, clothe the naked and give comfort to those that despair.


No, they are there only for themselves.

Right or left self-interest does not discriminate.

On the contrary, self-interest is an equal opportunist willing to take advantage of the compassionate as well as the racist.

It's not just those who want to save the turtles that get taken advantage of.

The hardcore racist gets taken advantage of too.

People like the President tell them things that they have long believed to be true about non-white races.

He makes a pact with them that he can change the movement of time and restore the past.

They want to believe in their racist Santa Clause and will follow him over a cliff to their own economic and social doom only to make it all come true.

The fringe.

But remember the fringe is not the broad weave of the American society.

The heart of America is where the real work is done.

The fringe, all fringe wants you and I to believe they are there for us, but they are not.

The pitchman who wants to sell you the greatest frying pan ever made will not be there to comfort you when your job goes away.

He won't be there when you can't pay for the medicine you need.

He won't hang with you at the time of your despair.

Our attention should be on the broad weave of our Republic.

Let the voices of intolerance, of racism, of hate, be as so much fringe.

Like a crow at the top of a tree that squawks don't let it distract from our true purpose.

Our purpose is to give warmth and compassion to each other in this cold hard world.

To give a place for each of us to stand upon the earth.

To realize each one of us our truth, our purpose, and to reach for and obtain that purpose.

We are all here to embrace not pull apart.

We are here to bring together, not separate.

We are here to love not to hate.





Standing on the corner waiting for the ice cream man.

Seeing the Wizard of Oz only once a year on TV.

LP's, 45's, CD's, cassette tapes, VHS, Super 8.

S&H Green Stamps.

Manual typewriters.

White only counters.

Single-sex public restrooms.

50 cent coffee.




Civic courage.






Common ground.

United States.


Like a thief in the night America awoke to find an empty house.

A shell in which roam individuals who cannot see each other because of the hate that wraps their heads like a blindfold.

Those things that were once so familiar that we could touch, see, and hold onto vanished like a mirage.

America has awoken out of its dream.

A dream that told its people that everything was going to be okay.

Everyone was going to have justice.

No one was above the law of the land.

Like a dream as the hours and days go by that dream becomes harder and harder to remember.

Email, texts, news, social media, entertainment, sports, school, job, lifestyle all of which is a part of all of our daily experience in none of it does it speak to Community.

None of it brings two people together over a common piece of ground.

Gone are the ties that once bound each of us to each other.

Where did they go?

Who took it?

Who is responsible?

We are.

You and me together.

We did it.

We destroyed the dream.

Dreams do not vanish on their own.

To make a dream come true, you have to work to make it real.

Otherwise, a dream, including the American Dream, is a story with no more relevance to reality than any other dream.

Dreams require the individual the society to reach and strive every day for a better tomorrow.

Dreams require you and me to march against giants.

Dreams require us no matter how beaten down how tired to stand once again and say the ignorance of mankind will not rule our lives.

Like a dream, those things that are gone are only out of sight not out of mind.

The mind can bend time and space.

The mind can span the distance between you and me we can see each other and know we want the same things.

We want good work that will provide us a good life.

We want to be free of living in fear.

We want hope.

We need a new American dream.

The old dream was at its heart only for the few.

This new dream should follow the truth that has been revealed by this President and his administration.

That truth is the ignorant never went away.

The truth is one political party courted that vote and has no intention of letting that vote go.

We the people, the majority must recognize you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Ain't going to happen.

We need to take that dime in our hand we were going to give to the ice cream man and find ourselves another corner to stand on.

Those brothers and sisters are not going to follow us to a better community.

They won't get on the freedom train.

Which means we shouldn't be waiting on them to decide if they want to join us, we need to get on down the line.

We have to realize that we are not going to get the racist to behave and sit cordially at our table of humanity.

They want the food fight and want to turn over the table of the brotherhood of man.

Our party has to move because the angry old neighbors are upset our party has the wrong kind of people at it.

We have to be happy with what we have and move along to that better world.

Doesn't mean we won't hold open a seat in case hell freezes over but it also means we need to be realistic that some people prefer to be gone.

They don't like the people at our party.

We all need to do the right thing right now.

When you're saving a life, you don't worry about your appearance.

You do the right thing.

Worrying about Monday morning quarterbacks in the face of presidential corruption and criminality is ridiculously childish.

It's like a child saying they won't clean their room because mommy will expect me to keep my room clean.

If you don't step out of your house, you'll never get to where you want to go.

You can't dream the world better you got to make it better with your own hands.

Ideals will only get you so far unless you are willing to stand for them.

They are meaningless if you don't put actions to your rhetoric.

It's obvious this President and this administration are willing to fight for their view of the world.

Will the good people fight for theirs?

Who will win out?

Injustice or justice?

It will depend upon you and I.






No Fishing.

Don't Walk.



Bio Hazard.



Do not kill.

What is your reaction to rules?

Do you cherry pick what you believe applies to you?

I'm in a hurry the speed limit doesn't apply to me I have an appointment.

I'm late.

Why are those rules there anyways?

If someone stops you on the street and asks you for directions, do you spit in their face?

Be friendly to a stranger as you would want a stranger to be generous with you.

What are rules good for?

Many of us perceive rules as restricting us.

Laws restrict our freedom.

Buckle up.

The seatbelt is uncomfortable.

Don't text and drive.

I have to make that call, or they won't like me.

The misconception about laws, about rules, about signs, is that they restrict you.

Somebody put up that sign to stick it to me.

I'll do what I want when I want to whom I want.

Nobody can tell me no.

Laws are there not to restrict just you.

Rules of behavior are not there as punishment.

Laws are there to protect you from casual disregard and violence.

That biggest rule of all, do not kill.

It's there to protect you from being killed.

It's laying down a moral line in the sand that says all life is precious.

This is the only experience that we will ever be guaranteed to have this life we live now.

No one has a right to that life other than the person who is living it.

Your belief stops at the point of your nose.

That moral law, do not kill, is saying not just to you but to that other person who you made angry in line at the store that they do not have the right to take vengeance on you and take your life.

That person who is reckless and texts and drives just like you in the car next to you, that restriction is there, so they don't t-bone you and cripple you for life.

The, don't walk sign, is there so that you don't ruin somebody else's life when you blindly ignore your own self-interest and step off the curb into oncoming traffic and they run you down in the crosswalk.

Society has rules for a reason, and that reason is to make life better for everyone.

Rules are not meant to deprive you of your freedom or your choice.

Rules are there to protect you.

It's stopping other people from harming you.

It's about saving you.

To keep us all safe.

It's not just about you.

It's about us.

We the people.

Laws provide a foundation of protection from the miss deeds of others.

It's the grease in the machinery.

Without that grease, the gears of life will grind and tear each other apart.

Our society would implode, and that wouldn't be good for anyone except for the scavengers.

The vultures.

Yesterday up in the air in North Carolina, scavengers were circling.

The smell of racism was evident in the air.

The President who has been put in charge of our Republic encouraged the buzzards to partake of the rot he served them.

Since his campaign, he has fed a steady diet of the red meat of racism to the bigots among us.

The assembled crowd confident in their jeers that this nation was not founded upon the principle of freedom and justice for all but only for the white race.

That principle?

From many one.

The wound that has become rotted on the American heart, which has never been cleaned since the Civil War.

We, as a nation, applied a temporary bandage and hoped that the gangrene of racism would somehow cure itself.

Here we are today in the first half of the 21st-century wrestling with a law that was established in 1776.

Freedom, justice, and the right to happiness for all.

That bandage that covers the rot of racism must be ripped away so that the light of justice for all mankind can shine upon that wound and heal it once and for all.

How long are we going to ignore our own stink?

How long does it take for a people to understand that freedom is for all?

Black, brown, white, men, women, child, straight, gay from many one rule.

Freedom means in this great American experiment the capacity to extend love beyond self to the person I don't know in recognition that they too are human and will extend that same love back to me.

The grease.

The sign.

The law.

The rule.

Through love, all things are possible.



Not Me


When I see an elderly woman stumble and fall.

When I see a man stand on the corner lost.

When I see a girl disobey the traffic laws.

When I see a boy take a hoody from the store.

I say not me.

When I hear the angry voice of a man, who lost his job.

When I hear a young person's song beat my ears.

When I hear the cry of another woman's child.

When I hear the tenor of despair because of lost love.

I say not me.

When I feel the desperate pleas for justice.

When I feel the passion of anger against violence.

When I feel the burning rage of neglect.

When I feel the fear of those, who hate.

I say not me.

Not me?

None of us are without fault committed by us freely in our lives.

Our faults can define us and how we conduct our lives to the end.

Our faults can drive us to persecute or towards an awakening.

Our faults can blind us or open our eyes.

Our faults can deafen our compassion or open wide our hearts and minds.

None of us are without fault.

We all share the responsibility for our society for our community.

Through neglect, we've allowed the shallow, the petty, the self-interest to dominate our social discourse, our Republic.

Our government, our law enforcement leadership apparently so corrupted by their own vice that they are unwilling or unable to prosecute crimes committed against our society.

Money launder's, sex trafficker's, pedophiles, tax frauds, sexual predators as long as they serve a political party is exempt from justice.

Obvious crimes committed by officials of this government along our borders go un-investigated, are not stopped as private enterprise profits off the imprisonment of children?

What has happened to the leadership of this nation, I ask?

Are we to believe as I have stated that they are all every last one of them so corrupted by their vices that not one of them can hold jury over any of these apparent crimes?

If it's not their vices, what else can prevent apparently good people from standing for justice and bringing the criminal to trial?

Is the can of worms, the Pandora's Box of corruption so great that every last official is awash in a quagmire of their own muck?

Shame is only for humans who can still feel it.

Apparently, many do not know the meaning of love.

By that which I treat the least of the lives found in this world, I will be known.

To grovel and fetch for the carnal pleasure of hate?

Is that where our society has landed here in the 21st Century?

Have the dreams of a nation of a people been so torn and discarded that even a simple point of justice, that we don't tolerate child rape is too difficult for us to prosecute?

The apparent moral bankruptcy of our two political powers, the one graft, and power at any cost, the other spineless, is overwhelming.

I feel the rage of neglect.

I hear the cry of pain of another woman's child.

I see the man lost because of fear.

I stand.

I will never be silent.



Challenge The Impossible


Can a single drop of rain, wear down a mountain?

Will a grain of sand stop a flood?

Does a single battle win a war?

Do you only have to brush your teeth once in your lifetime?

How about painting your house just one time during its life?

Will you own only one pair of shoes?

One pair of pants?

One pair of socks?

One love?


How long does it take for some people to be free?

How long will it be until some people stop believing they have a right to kill?

When will the day arrive when tyrants in the world, in your neighborhood, in your home stop destroying lives?

What hour will it be when a person can walk in their community free of fear?

How much time does it take to heal the broken?

To bring hope to the hopeless?

To love the loveless?

To break the illusion?

To care?


If you are reading this, you are in a war that has been going on since humans first gathered together.

As long as we still are human, this war will continue indefinitely into the future.

It is a war between those who hate and those who love.

It is a conflict that will have no end.

It is what humans like Gandhi, Malcolm, Sakharov, Mandela, Malala, Orwell, Keller, and King called the struggle.

The struggle.

The impossible struggle will not be over in a day.

Or a week.

Or a year.

Or a lifetime.

Or solved by one candidate.

The impossible struggle…

It is the act itself, the struggle, against impossible odds, which is the victory for love.

Evil cannot win unless good does nothing.

Brotherhood is a relationship.

And just like any relationship you need to communicate.

You need to give flowers.

You need to share meals.

You need to participate in the good times and be there in the times of grief.

Dropping a coin in a charity bucket doesn't get the world to the promised land.

The struggle is a daily grind for those who follow the light of love.

You get up each day and struggle.

You go through your day and struggle.

You go to bed and rest your head upon the struggle only to get up the next to do it again.

The haters will not stop hating.

Neither will Love stop loving.

Our strength is not in some decisive battle that will win the war against man's inhumanity.

No, our strength is like that single drop of rain.

That single drop joins other drops and forms fellowships, communities, organizations.

Those drops turn into a river.

A river that cuts its way through the mountain of fear and hate.

It broadens and picks up those in lifeboats.

It rescues those that are adrift in the waters.

It rushes past the obstacles to man's folly and ignorance and soon joins up with the sea.

The dark, brooding mountains of hate and regret left behind.

That drop of rain and countless others have formed a sea of light and of love.

A place where you and I can rest on the shore of a brotherhood of man.



After the Tears


The unexpected shock.

The eyes strain to see life.

The heart leaps into the throat.

After the tears…

An old photo of a happy day.

The hand of a baby daughter in yours.

Eyes that look up and see you for what you are.

After the tears…

Death wants to kill all you love.

Death makes you run with all that you love.

Death haunts your every step towards freedoms precious light.

After the tears…

With the flood all around.

With your baby holding tight to daddy's strength.

With all you have, it wasn't enough.

After the tears…

No one heard.

No one saw.

No one cared.

After the tears…

After the tears comes the rolling thunder of justice.

A people should not tolerate the conditions of physical, and a type of mental enslavement.

In our nation, minds and hearts are captured by an ideology that allows mothers, fathers, and their children to die in dark waters at a nations doorstep is not a nation.

It is not a community.

It is a society that is sick.

A sickness that has been allowed to fester way beyond its expiration date.

This nation we live in has always understood what the right thing to do is.

Even other nations have been able to read our credo and have understood that Liberty with her torch held high is there to welcome the weak, the fearful, those without hope, the tired, the sick, the forgotten.

This nation we live in has forgotten its credo.

This nation has forsaken its honor.

This nation has abandoned human decency, compassion in favor of a short-lived political power.

Our nations mind is set against itself.

Through the roar of political lions, through the ripping apart of safety in neighborhoods, through callous disregard, lives are lost because it serves the ideal of retribution.

They deserve what they get because they are not like me.

Because they are not like me…

Not like me…

That's right.

That is not like us.

After the tears…

You don't have to be an empath to know that a baby girl clutching to her daddy's back who drowns with him as he sought freedom is wrong.

It's evil.

It's an evil perpetrated by men and women in power in our nation.

Not some mythical monster.

Not some alien from another planet.

Men and women, humans, who cannot see the individual only the inside of their closed hearts.

It stops.

It stops now.

It stops today.

We know what the right answer is.

We've all learned it once upon a time in America.

Love comes into the world and will set heart against heart.

Those that follow love cannot also support a blind human heart.

Love will separate a man from a woman.

Love will divide the parent from the child.

Love will demand that a nation do the right thing every time.

Every time!

Love asks more of us each and every day till the day we pass from the Earth.

A nation that practices love doesn't allow babies crying for a crust of bread to die.

Each and every death of anyone in our nations custody and those seeking refuge is further evidence of the cancer on America's soul.

I'll keep saying it, I'll keep asking it, I'll keep demanding it, I'll keep standing.

I'll never be silent…

After the tears will come the rolling thunder of justice.

After the tears…



A Tree


It is understandable why you can't hear the song of a tree.

What is not understandable is why you can't hear the pain you create.

All of us can lose our connections.

Connections to our community, to our family and friends, to ourselves.


Regret for our actions reminds us that we have harmed a person who we care about.

We don't want to be the "bad" person.

The person who acts and doesn't care who they harm.

Especially our friends and family.

Where do we draw the line of who we include in our group and those we exclude?

On a playground, children make fun of how a classmate is dressed.

Maybe they came to school that day in their pajamas.

Adolescents wear adult activities like merit badges on their sleeves.

If they believe that person over there hasn't consumed alcohol, hasn't smoked, hasn't had sex, they become the judge jury and executioner condemning that person as an outcast.

Adults don't move far from their own adolescent brains.

An example is how well do you draw?

Most of us stopped drawing some time as we enter into high school.

If you picked up a pencil and were asked to draw a cow, you would render at the very same level as when you last attempted to draw.

However, it turns out that drawing as is many aspects of life is a skill.

If you practiced your art for a few weeks, you would improve.

We humans can adapt.

We are not relegated to stay in a self-imposed past.

We can grow.

We can grow, and the fundamental idea is if we want to grow.

Growth can only begin once you love yourself.

We all need to forgive ourselves.

We need to break the chain of our own making that constrains our true self.

A chain to break is racism.

Most aspects of racism are learned.

Passed down genetically like cancer its darkness stops the growth of the individual.

Racism stops the growth of the community of the nation.

But this is nothing new.

Racists are not ignorant of what side of the line they stand on.

They like where they are at.

They know they don't like you.

Every aspect of their lives informs them from their community to the God they worship that they are doing the right thing.

So how are you going to convince them otherwise?

Do you think telling them they need to grow will change their minds?

Do you think asking them to quiet their minds and listen to the song of trees will allow them to feel regret?

Ain't going to happen folks.

Ain't going to happen that way for sure.

It's like standing out before a mountain and trying to call it down with your voice.

Humans don't work that way.

You're not going to convince a racially motivated person to vote for you because you say change is right for them.

The people who support the President are not concerned with who they harm.

We are not part of their group, part of their America.

They don't want to come together.

They don't want to move to the city.

They don't want to be told they are wrong.

They would instead burn down the forest than allow for the possibility that they could be wrong.

They can't hear us.

They really honestly can't hear us…

What do we do?

What can we do?

We grow…

We grow our selves.

We grow and become bigger and stronger than hate.

We grow our community, one day, one person at a time.

We grow our organizations, we reach for our brothers and sisters and encourage those that are reluctant to get involved that their fear is the soil in which their sprout must break through.

We grow by standing together, holding to truth and the fair application of justice for all.

We grow a smile

A smile that's more powerful and does more good than any rhetoric could do.

We demonstrate through the actions of our life, of our community that we are happy.

We grow…

Happy to have a family of every race, color, and gender, young and old.

The seed that cast itself upon the hard ground will never grow.

Hardened hearts…

Hardened ears…

Will never know the joy of that first green burst of a new life.

Time wears away the mountain…

Regret may whisper into the hardened ears as they witness the happiness they refused to join.

From the hard, lonely places of the world, new ears will grow.

They will ask…

What is that sound?

We will answer…


